Example sentences of "be carried out [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some are unwanted high parity conceptions ; in addition a high proportion of abortions at this age are carried out because a congenital malformation has been diagnosed in the foetus .
2 But , of course , rabbits are a commercial as well as a sporting crop and on that basis most efforts at containing their numbers are carried out when the bulk of the rabbits are likely to be mature .
3 As these works are carried out whilst the hotel is occupied and operation , it requires a flexible approach to the work and very close co-operation with the hotel and their representatives .
4 In fact , most researchers now believe that , on their own , the principles of learning theory are insufficient to account for the child 's mastery of language ; the bulk of the research on children 's language which has been carried out since the publication of Verbal Behaviour has been concerned with illuminating other processes which may be involved .
5 Examination of the records of prenatal biochemical screening for these two cases showed that biochemical screening had been carried out and a report of an increased risk of Down 's syndrome issued before the ultrasonography was done .
6 A number of controlled reading experiments have already been carried out and a Knowledge Access Network ( KAN ) model is under development .
7 Only the doctor who attended the last illness is required to certify when someone dies in the hospital and a post mortem has been carried out and the results known to the doctor .
8 Once the required modifications to a package and its constituent modules have been carried out and the package has been submitted for approval , as described in the section on Modules , the DCs which were formerly active through the package change state to IN APPROVAL , thus preventing any further modifications to the modules while approval is in progress .
9 There may also have been certain conditions of the advance ( eg that a woodworm infestation shall be treated before completion , that certain repairs shall have been carried out or a deduction made from the mortgage loan until they have been ) .
10 Finally , it must be stressed that increases or changes in the rate of work should only be carried out once a person has attained a high standard of physical fitness .
11 A county council spokesman said speed checks would be carried out but a final decision on imposing a speed limit was with the Department of Transport .
12 In cases where the price is difficult to establish , a pricing analysis should only be carried out if a valuation of the business has been undertaken , since it will not be possible to advise on an initial asking price unless a reasonable estimate of the current market value can be established .
13 Now the operation may only be carried out if a foetus is badly damaged or if a pregnancy threatens a woman 's life or health or is the result of a crime .
14 Clearly , if a threat of punishment is to be effective in sustaining collusion the firms must believe that the punishment would actually be carried out if the need arose .
15 Such tasks as these can only be carried out when the engineer has also derived methods of organising his knowledge on a wide range of subjects such as efficiency , reliability , safety , economics , elegance , marketability etc. in a coherent way .
16 These were arranged to allow the morning feeding to be carried out and a one-and-a-half hour break for tea allowed many farmers to return for the second feed and to check the stock .
17 Each subject gave written informed consent for the study to be carried out and the protocol was approved by the ethical committee of the Sheffield Area Health Authority .
18 Referring clinicians gave permission for this to be carried out and the study was approved by the local Hospital Ethical Committee .
19 A full survey of the Braer will be needed before it is known for certain no oil remains , but a survey can not be carried out until the weather is suitable , which could take up to three months .
20 The Marine Conservation Society , a national organisation , alleges in a 54-page document that Britain has failed to meet the terms of a European directive requiring an assessment to be carried out where a proposed development is likely to have a significant environmental impact .
21 Monitoring for infantile methaemoglobinaemia should be carried out where the values are 50–100 mg/litre and babies should get bottled water at or above 100 mg/litre .
22 Extensive geological surveys were carried out and a mile long pilot tunnel dug on the British side of the Channel before hostile public opinion led to the abandonment of the project in 1882 .
23 I have discussed the situation with the officer in charge of the inquiry in the Hampshire Constabulary who admits that on 1 May 1991 , searches were carried out and a large quantity of potential evidence was seized from the possession of Mr. Tully .
24 I have discussed the situation with Officer in Charge of the inquiry in the Hampshire Constabulary who admits that on 1 May 1991 , searches were carried out and a large quantity of potential evidence was seized from the possession of Mr. Tully .
25 In some cases this involves experimental work to test particular theories of how certain processes were carried out and the ways that artefacts were constructed .
26 Eight six-weekly inspections were carried out and the winning department came first on five occasions .
27 Follow-up assessments were carried out when the children were six years old .
28 Scottish Homes want to transfer ownership of their West Lothian properties to another landlord and an extensive consultation programme is being carried out before a final decision is taken .
29 The owner of premises to be used for this purpose is required to obtain a ‘ disposal licence ’ under section 5(1) of that Act to either commence , or if disposal was already being carried out before the Act came into force , to continue operations .
30 Planning officials insisted on an environmental assessment being carried out when the scheme was first mooted more than two years ago .
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