Example sentences of "be considered [prep] be the " in BNC.

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1 In fact , Dunrossness has long been considered to be the most fertile and agriculturally productive area in the whole of Shetland .
2 Such increases in tannin in browsed Acacia nigrescens in southern Africa have been reported to take place in a few minutes and the production of ethylene during damage has been considered to be the promoter of tannin increase .
3 There are many stories in the Bible about great love between men and women , but the ideal role models in Judaism are considered to be the Patriarchs and Matriarchs : Sarah and Abraham , Isaac and Rebecca , and Jacob and Rachel .
4 It was found that even from those sources of commercial information which give quantitative information , for example ICC and Business Monitors , it is the qualitative messages that are considered to be the most useful by the planners .
5 These are the barn owl , long-eared owl , and all the Eagle owls , and these deficits are considered to be the result of sampling error .
6 Will 's best movements are considered to be the passage and canter pirouette , and his worst to be flying changes .
7 Royal women , too , even though quite ordinary in appearance , may be elevated in public opinion until they are considered to be the utmost in charm and elegance — again difficult to live up to , when they are continually ‘ on show ’ .
8 Core histones are considered to be the proteins forming the backbone on which the genomic DNA finds a support generating the nucleosome , which is considered to be the structural chromatin unit ( 1 ) .
9 BLOOD-borne diseases such as hepatitis B are considered to be the most important occupational hazards facing healthcare and public service workers , according to the results of a major European survey of trade unions , professional associations and health insurance companies .
10 The tune-o-matic bridge can be considered to be the 335 connection , but looks a mite out of place on such a small body .
11 Muscular tension is often a factor , and may be considered to be the prostatic version of a tension headache .
12 Again the family member will argue that this is perfectly reasonable behaviour for any family : total commitment regardless of cost to self might be considered to be the moral basis of family life .
13 In this she can be considered to be the founder of district nursing .
14 It can be considered to be the microelectronic equivalent of a mainframe 's central processing unit ( CPU ) .
15 An administrative receiver might be considered to be the agent of those who appointed him but this is not the case ; section 44 of the 1986 Act makes him the agent of the company .
16 It has been argued that special attention should be focused upon the resilience and potential for recovery of the soil profile in view of the inputs induced by man ( Trudgill , 1977 , chapter 8 ) , and the importance of the problem is underlined by Toy ( 1982 ) in a review of accelerated erosion when he concludes that such erosion can be considered to be the pre-eminent environmental problem in the United States by virtue of its widespread occurrence and cumulative cost .
17 A great many professionals are actively moving into microcomputer use as specialised software is written for what may be considered to be the more esoteric applications .
18 In the case of an unincorporated body , such as a partnership , the partners will be considered to be the joint authors of the work .
19 This may be considered to be the more appropriate standard in contracts between patients and doctors where artificial products , such as manufactured heart valves , are used for implantation .
20 I can assure Mr Faris that the issues he raises were looked at and that the disclosures adopted were considered to be the most appropriate in the circumstances .
21 We had the potent , theoretical motivator of vast unemployment in the area , and those who were working for us were considered to be the fortunate .
22 Furthermore , we have noted that in the UK during most of the 1950s and 1960s employment and the balance of payments were considered to be the most important macroeconomic objectives by both Labour and Conservative governments .
23 Although the Victorian era is considered to be the great age of plant collectors , the ancient Egyptians recorded plant collecting expeditions in their hieroglyphics .
24 The Long Library , almost 200 ft. long is considered to be the room of the most outstanding beauty for it contains over 10,000 books plus various paintings by Van Dyck and Reynolds .
25 Similarly , after childbirth the placenta is disposed of with great ritual care , since it is considered to be the solidified form of the mother 's menstrual blood during her pregnancy .
26 Modesty in looks and behaviour is considered to be the ideal in Judaism .
27 The smaller of the two is considered to be the male , which also tends to have rather stronger ribbing , and sometimes a differently shaped aperture from the larger female .
28 Of equal importance are signals between groups of cells , a process known as induction , which historically at least , is considered to be the major mode of interaction in the development of embryos .
29 Therefore integration of the concept of social policy work into every course is considered to be the most effective way forward .
30 Commercial information ( competitive , market , product etc. ) is considered to be the most important by all the planning departments .
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