Example sentences of "be expected [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus in effect reference centres are indistinguishable from small district hospitals , and they are expected to relieve the perceived overload at existing specialist city hospitals .
2 Somehow local authorities are expected to perform the same range of duties more cheaply .
3 AutoDesk Inc 's multimedia revenues , which grew by 76% last year , are expected to duplicate the same success this year , president and chief executive Carol Bartz told the Hambrecht & Quist technology conference .
4 And , despite claims , particularly among the Germans , French , Italians and Spanish , that it is a bad thing , many American insurance companies reckon that people with low blood pressure in middle age , far from suffering a disease , are expected to lead the longest and healthiest lives .
5 the uncertainties which are expected to affect the ultimate outcome .
6 PLEASE NOTE All groundhoppers are expected to wear the following regulation uniform : ‘ Donovan ’ canvas cap , blue anorak with Ford Motors logo , brown Crimplene trousers , a battered Liverpool/Spurs/Hendon hold-all , a dog-eared red ‘ Winfield ’ notebook with short two-inch pencil , filthy trainers , a hideously expensive camera and a pocket full of Mars bars .
7 In addition to the Warrant itself , member companies are expected to attend the exclusive Annual Warrant Holders dinner , inviting a limited number of their important customers as guests .
8 About 100,000 people are expected to attend the 11-day annual event in the King 's Hall , Balmoral .
9 Once it is finished , however , in June 1994 , many of the larger musicals coming to Edinburgh are expected to use the new 1,900-capacity lyric-style theatre rather than the King 's .
10 But digging into the reserves will hurt them further , even though profits are expected to double the current year .
11 When combined , these enhancements are expected to increase the II 's floating point to a integer ratio .
12 When they are combined , these enhancements are expected to increase the SuperSparc-II 's floating point to a integer ratio .
13 Within the specialist facilities for a sport priority is given to projects which are expected to produce the highest level of participants .
14 In addition , the Jordanians are expected to complete the high dam at Maquarin this year .
15 It continues to chalk up record trade surpluses , but the first three months of 1992 are expected to show the second consecutive quarterly fall in gross domestic product , confirming that the Land of the Rising Sun is officially in recession .
16 The IAAF are expected to ratify the DLV decision .
17 Men can have one dark suit and wear it all day and no one will even notice , but women are expected to have the right clothes for lunch and afternoon tea and working in and then have some stunning outfit for evening .
18 Page 29 Report due : Coopers and Lybrand are expected to hand the Serious Fraud Office their report on how Ferranti came to be defrauded of £215m within days .
19 New books and dictionaries are expected to contain the new spellings , while Proust , Racine and the rest will gradually be re-edited so as to make them conform .
20 Within the small towns , apparently independent bath-houses are more common than might have been expected given the general level of amenity provision ( fig. 5 D–H ) .
21 At the same time , in some towns at least , bishops came to take over the duties of such late Roman officers as the defensores , who had been expected to defend the weak .
22 Mr Yeltsin , who in normal circumstances might have been expected to restrain the Russian nationalists , is fighting for political survival against a Congress of People 's Deputies highly critical of his economic reforms .
23 Such an action would have been expected to lower the cyclic AMP content irrespective of the agonist used to stimulate the cells .
24 Since private shareholders can not be expected to subsidize the wider goals of society as a whole , public ownership may then be inevitable .
25 Lower-class women who did not come into the black or immigrant categories would be expected to use the general waiting-room , rather than the ladies ' , which was largely the preserve of the well-dressed middle class .
26 I think it would be much more effective if the one who was meant to be the hardhat and who might be expected to let the other one drown in fact saves the other one even though he thinks his ideas about the Indians and his plan to baptise them when they get to the Orinoco are blasphemous .
27 Parents faced with the choice of caring from their offspring or coming to work would be expected to choose the former .
28 Faced with this information , the politicians can be expected to choose the higher level of output indicated by the new equation of demand with marginal cost .
29 For example , if 265 grains are scored overlying the chromosomes in 100 mitotic cells , and since chromosome 1 represents 7.20% of the genome , then approximately 19 grains ( 7.20% of 265 = 19.08 ) would be expected to overlie the homologous pair .
30 Private backers from industry should not be expected to shoulder the full burden , said the Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts .
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