Example sentences of "be held under [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Under the reform , elections would be held under a system of proportional representation , with officials re-electable for four-year periods but unable to occupy several positions at the various levels of local and regional government at the same time .
2 The talks would be held under the auspices of the UN International Commission for Support and Verification ( CIAV ) , perhaps in the context of an international conference attended by the secretary-generals of the UN and the Organisation of American States .
3 The talks would be held under the auspices of the UN International Commission for Support and Verification ( CIAV ) , perhaps in the context of an international conference attended by the secretary-generals of the UN and the Organisation of American States .
4 But nevertheless it 's been done and the debate can be held under the auspices of the District Plan .
5 In appropriate cases , service on a United States parent may be held under the doctrine to be service on the foreign subsidiary .
6 The talks were held under the auspices of the National Unification Commission , a body which had been established by presidential proclamation in early August in order to promote the new government 's policy of encouraging all insurgents to renounce armed struggle in return for an amnesty .
7 The talks were held under the auspices of the UN Food & Agriculture Organisation ( FAO ) , which says that most of the well-known marine fish stocks are being exploited at or far beyond the limits of sustainability , largely because of the development of deep-sea fleets working far from home .
8 In 799 the Franks took the Balearic Islands , which faced repeated attacks from Saracen fleets , but were held under the government of the Counts of Genoa and Tuscany .
9 Praetextatus of Rouen was tried at Paris in 577 , and Gregory himself at a gathering of bishops at the royal palace of Berny-Rivière in 580 : both these last trials were held under the aegis of Chilperic I. A year later the flight of Mummolus was discussed at Lyons .
10 The couple , arrested after a lengthy intelligence operation , are being held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act .
11 The administration strongly opposed the bill , arguing that it would violate existing textile agreements with 38 countries , would undermine two multinational agreements , and would severely damage the current " Uruguay Round " of trade talks being held under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) .
12 Three other men arrested later are still being held under the PTA at central London police stations .
13 Now since the Judicature Acts the possession is held under the agreement .
14 Furthermore , your money is at risk , particularly when there is a thin market in shares , or where your shares are held under a nominee name for the convenience of your licensed dealer .
15 If the shares are held under a nominee name , the client will not get certificates at all .
16 All dog shows where championship points are awarded are held under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club , who are responsible for providing qualified judges , keeping records of points and a register of pure-bred dogs .
17 It has been held under the drink/driving law that the object of requiring the officer to be ‘ in uniform ’ was to ensure that the constable would be easily recognised as such by the public .
18 On reaching the box , he would take off his helmet and put it over one arm , while his tuck-box was held under the other .
19 The gathering was held under the auspices of the Saudi government , and was also understood to have had the backing of Iran , which had conducted separate talks with opposition leaders .
20 The Bahr Dar meeting was held under the auspices of the standing committee on the Horn of Africa , established in April [ see p. 38855 ] .
21 The summit was held under the aegis of the Organization of African Unity , of which Babangida was current chair .
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