Example sentences of "be coming [adv prt] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am genuinely happy that South Africa are coming out of the cold and I see in their choice of countries some kind of divine justice .
2 That in itself is a sign that we are coming out of the recession .
3 Then I saw the top tier of the cake and that has got to be the er piece , piece de resistance I think as the French say and I know that some very exciting ideas are coming out of the South East region .
4 The problem is that more has been coming out of the pot than going into it over recent years .
5 There was a feeling that Mill House might just be coming out of the doldrums : he had won his last race , beating his solitary rival at Sandown Park for the princely sum of £426 , and appeared to be coming back to his old self .
6 Well , volunteers for the diet seemed to be coming out of the woodwork !
7 No hopefully a car will be coming out of the end .
8 On the other side of the yard , the first of the City 's homeless were coming out of the union .
9 I think he was convinced the green was fast , but maybe he had forgotten we were coming out of the rough and the topspin ran us through the green .
10 But as we were coming out of the doorway , running across there , sidling round the side was the inspector .
11 They were coming out of the end of the hangar now .
12 Then I felt the post begin to slide upwards through my hands , as if more of it were coming out of the ground .
13 And they used to bring us girls chocolates ; because when they were coming out of the dining-room , anything nice ( they had n't time to take off their gloves ) anything nice that was left in the dishes they used to pinch a piece and eat it .
14 Jotan and the others were coming out of the audience chamber now .
15 Er men were coming , young men were coming out of the forces and er they wanted their jobs back and er I began to wonder what was going to happen to me , if , because I was on the temporary staff and erm there was no guarantee that I 'd be able to stay erm , and then of course erm I was thinking of probably getting married and erm er the salary at that stage was n't er , was n't very much to get married on .
16 At the age of 47 , Robert De Niro is coming out of a creative crisis and entering a new phase as a movie mogul .
17 The table is coming out of the alcove and the armchair is going in .
18 Soon , though , smoke is coming out of the straw-stack and hot sun is turning the water into steam .
19 He can do nothing , though , because the stuffing is coming out of the armchair he is sitting in , and before anything else can happen he has to decide whether to get it re-covered or buy a new one .
20 I have no doubt that , as my right hon. Friend the Chancellor said , Britain is coming out of the recession .
21 Attach the arm inside the sarcophagus so that it looks as if it is coming out of the base , and bend it up slightly so that it looks as if it is pushing up the lid .
22 A woman is coming out of the house .
23 Not only has it hived-off its drug side into Zeneca but also , unlike most chemical companies , it is coming out of the recession with no cash worries as the rights issue for the Zeneca shares will pay off most of its debt .
24 Well I think I , I mean I do agree and I think that the that er that pressure is now getting on to these , these city institutions , but erm , but I still come back to the basic thing that , that really , you know what appears to me is happening is we 've we 're having literally millions of pounds taken out in , in issuing these massive massive writs you know , a hundred and seventy eight page writs are sort of being and really the money for those is coming out of the remaining money in our pension funds and really I feel that what wou what is happening is this , as far as I 'm concerned , is all due to the self-regulatory body being set under the Financial Services Act , and in a way I feel that you know we 're being made to pay for sorting out a mess that somebody else is making .
25 I 'd actually like to use a bit of stereo on the next album , because it 's so hard to keep any kind of clarity in mono — everything 's coming out of the same speaker .
26 Now what actually happens , now as I say I 'm going to the far end , your casualty may literally shriek as they go down , now this is the person that has no warning at all , they may shriek as they go down and it 's the air that 's coming out of the body , they will go rigid as every muscle clenches , the teeth clench , the muscles go rigid , erm and they 're going to be very , very blue because erm , because er they 've stopped breathing which seems like an eternity .
27 You 'll find the little diagram showing you where the pulmonary vein and the pulmonary artery are on page eleven , page eleven if you want to refer to it right , if you want to look at it in a closer detail tonight that 's fine and if you want to see what I 'm saying now in a diagrammatic form look on page thirteen now if you look at that you 'll see some , the blue vein blood vessels it 's coming out of the right hand side of the heart and if you look at the direction of the arrows , okay , they 're going away from the heart , do you agree with me ?
28 The light that 's coming out of the if if you 're shining a torch like this okay ? the light you 're shining is going away from you okay ?
29 Towards the end of a long and tiring night shift , when news was coming through of the murder of another member of the RUC , one policeman in particular decided to put the field-worker through a test of trust .
30 Mr Ross was coming out of a door .
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