Example sentences of "be used for [adj] purpose " in BNC.

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1 As for the evolutionary precursors of the system , both hydrogen peroxide and various kinds of quinones are used for other purposes in body chemistry .
2 English is one of the languages that do not use tone in this way though tones or pitch differences are used for other purposes ; such languages are sometimes called intonation languages .
3 He said there were ‘ good grounds for suspicion that certain offshore banks are used for fraudulent purposes ’ .
4 However , under the terms of Protection From Eviction Act 1977 the landlord must enter peacefully upon the land and may not use the right of re-entry at all if the premises are used for residential purposes .
5 Standards and performance data are used for different purposes in various information and control systems .
6 Because different lenses are used for different purposes ( for example , a wide-angle lens gets more visual information on-screen than a close-up lens ) , even in straightforward recording , it could be argued that any photographic image is already a distortion of what one sees in the real world .
7 Operational balances in the Bank of England are like the banks ' own current accounts and are used for clearing purposes .
8 As we have seen , the operational balances are used for clearing purposes between the banks and to provide them with a source of liquidity .
9 The pack horse stables still stand and are used for recreational purposes by the Lancashire Youth Clubs Association , who now own the Hall .
10 The teacher was furious that the photograph taken in her new school on the outskirts of Middlesbrough had been used for political purposes .
11 Although this procedure had been used for administrative purposes in Normandy ( where the English example of Domesday Book was an inspiration ) and in Anjou before Geoffrey le Bel 's conquest of Normandy , the Feoda marked an important step in its use in eastern France .
12 Many ordinary everyday objects and buildings could have been used for religious purposes , but this would not be detectable from archaeological evidence alone .
13 On Nov. 17 Rafsanjani condemned the United States for attempting to dissuade China and India from transferring to Iran nuclear technology to be used for non-military purposes .
14 One solution to the problem is to think of the prescribed forms of standard written English as a sort of register : a variety to be used for specific purposes ( including writing coursework essays and exam answers ) which nevertheless may not be a variety that you identify much with , by comparison with the usage of your family and friends .
15 One would ‘ ring-fence ’ or protect the grants to be given to local authorities so they could not be used for other purposes ; the other would give elderly and disabled people in local authority residential homes the same social security rights as those in private or voluntary sector homes .
16 A well built unit can always be used for other purposes should your venture not come up to expectation .
17 One advantage is that if for any reason the storage system becomes unused the building may be used for other purposes .
18 The buildings could be used for other purposes and we 'd welcome that .
19 There is scope for a thesis of sorts on the distinction between the Commission on Instructional Technology 's definition : " Instructional technology means the media born of the communications revolution which can be used for instructional purposes alongside the teacher , the textbook and the blackboard " ( AVI , April 1970 : 89 ) ; and the National Council for Educational Technology 's definition , for the UK , of educational technology : " the development , application and evaluation of systems , techniques and aids to improve the process of human learning . "
20 Geometric correction and registration are necessary if Landsat imagery is to be used for cartographic purposes , or is being used in conjunction with map data ( for example in a Geographical Information System , Chapter 7 ) .
21 The statute occasionally provides in so many terms that the information may be used in evidence ; sometimes that it may not be used for certain purposes , inferentially permitting its use for others ; or it may be expressly prescribed that the evidence is not to be admitted ; or again , the statute may be silent .
22 This latter provision was seen as means to assure NATO that certain Warsaw Pact aircraft could not be used for offensive purposes .
23 Calling on North Korea to make a similar pledge , Roh said that nuclear energy would only be used for peaceful purposes .
24 Last week King Fahd said his country would help pay for rebuilding Osirak , on the understanding that it would be used for peaceful purposes only .
25 Making sure that Ryan was already inside , they entered , sat near him , and began a general chat about land , A saying to B , in a casual roundabout fashion , that if he had any land going in Norfolk to unload it quickly because the councils were clamping down on building regulations and that land in future was to be used for agricultural purposes only . ’
26 The plant is built around a modular system which means the reaction vessels can be used for various purposes and new parts can be added when required .
27 The tests were of a type which could be used for diagnostic purposes .
28 The conditions of use to which all users are required to agree insist among other things that users should not attempt to identify particular individuals or households , that the data should only be used for academic purposes , and that any publications which make extensive use of the data should acknowledge this .
29 Then he went on to the Global the New Consumer , looking at ways and how consumer power could be used for ethical purposes .
30 As such the concept of social representation will necessarily be some son of general , background concept , and it will be difficult to find elements of socially shared consciousness , which are not social representations and which can be used for contrastive purposes .
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