Example sentences of "be used for [adj] purposes " in BNC.

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1 As for the evolutionary precursors of the system , both hydrogen peroxide and various kinds of quinones are used for other purposes in body chemistry .
2 English is one of the languages that do not use tone in this way though tones or pitch differences are used for other purposes ; such languages are sometimes called intonation languages .
3 He said there were ‘ good grounds for suspicion that certain offshore banks are used for fraudulent purposes ’ .
4 Norwegians are keen to train their dogs and Rottweilers are used for many purposes , from mountain rescue to drug detection .
5 Check lists are used for several purposes : an initial transcription of a language is usually not consistent .
6 However , under the terms of Protection From Eviction Act 1977 the landlord must enter peacefully upon the land and may not use the right of re-entry at all if the premises are used for residential purposes .
7 Standards and performance data are used for different purposes in various information and control systems .
8 Because different lenses are used for different purposes ( for example , a wide-angle lens gets more visual information on-screen than a close-up lens ) , even in straightforward recording , it could be argued that any photographic image is already a distortion of what one sees in the real world .
9 Operational balances in the Bank of England are like the banks ' own current accounts and are used for clearing purposes .
10 As we have seen , the operational balances are used for clearing purposes between the banks and to provide them with a source of liquidity .
11 The pack horse stables still stand and are used for recreational purposes by the Lancashire Youth Clubs Association , who now own the Hall .
12 The teacher was furious that the photograph taken in her new school on the outskirts of Middlesbrough had been used for political purposes .
13 This had a separate entrance and had been used for many purposes — the storage of deeds by the Wilts and Dorset Bank , prior to this by Mr. Peru , a solicitor , but when I was a small boy it had been leased to The Haunch of Venison Inn as a wine store and bottling plant .
14 Although this procedure had been used for administrative purposes in Normandy ( where the English example of Domesday Book was an inspiration ) and in Anjou before Geoffrey le Bel 's conquest of Normandy , the Feoda marked an important step in its use in eastern France .
15 Many ordinary everyday objects and buildings could have been used for religious purposes , but this would not be detectable from archaeological evidence alone .
16 On Nov. 17 Rafsanjani condemned the United States for attempting to dissuade China and India from transferring to Iran nuclear technology to be used for non-military purposes .
17 One solution to the problem is to think of the prescribed forms of standard written English as a sort of register : a variety to be used for specific purposes ( including writing coursework essays and exam answers ) which nevertheless may not be a variety that you identify much with , by comparison with the usage of your family and friends .
18 One would ‘ ring-fence ’ or protect the grants to be given to local authorities so they could not be used for other purposes ; the other would give elderly and disabled people in local authority residential homes the same social security rights as those in private or voluntary sector homes .
19 A well built unit can always be used for other purposes should your venture not come up to expectation .
20 One advantage is that if for any reason the storage system becomes unused the building may be used for other purposes .
21 The buildings could be used for other purposes and we 'd welcome that .
22 However , if the buildings can not be used for such purposes ‘ other uses are preferable to allowing the buildings to remain empty or grossly under-occupied ’ .
23 The potential is very high , since horticultural information could be used for many purposes , such as ecological and climatological monitoring , as well as mainstream horticulture .
24 There is scope for a thesis of sorts on the distinction between the Commission on Instructional Technology 's definition : " Instructional technology means the media born of the communications revolution which can be used for instructional purposes alongside the teacher , the textbook and the blackboard " ( AVI , April 1970 : 89 ) ; and the National Council for Educational Technology 's definition , for the UK , of educational technology : " the development , application and evaluation of systems , techniques and aids to improve the process of human learning . "
25 Geometric correction and registration are necessary if Landsat imagery is to be used for cartographic purposes , or is being used in conjunction with map data ( for example in a Geographical Information System , Chapter 7 ) .
26 The statute occasionally provides in so many terms that the information may be used in evidence ; sometimes that it may not be used for certain purposes , inferentially permitting its use for others ; or it may be expressly prescribed that the evidence is not to be admitted ; or again , the statute may be silent .
27 This latter provision was seen as means to assure NATO that certain Warsaw Pact aircraft could not be used for offensive purposes .
28 Calling on North Korea to make a similar pledge , Roh said that nuclear energy would only be used for peaceful purposes .
29 Last week King Fahd said his country would help pay for rebuilding Osirak , on the understanding that it would be used for peaceful purposes only .
30 Some finishes can be used for all purposes .
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