Example sentences of "be for [art] purpose [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The remand had been for the purpose of the issue being tried by the justices on the Monday .
2 To insist upon the inquest in these circumstances could only have been for the purpose of procuring a rapping over the knuckles in public of that authority and/or a convenient means of obtaining evidence for a subsequent claim against it .
3 ‘ for the purpose of prostitution ’ Means that loitering or soliciting must be for the purpose of offering her body etc. for reward as outlined at point 2 ante .
4 They are closely interrelated , separated though they must be for the purpose of analysis — and they are all questionable .
5 If therefore we were to interfere , it would be for the purpose of controlling his judgment .
6 If , therefore , we were to interfere , it would be for the purpose of controlling his judgment ; but any interference by us to control the judgment of the visitor would be attended with the most mischievous consequences , since we must then decide upon the statutes of the college , of which we are ignorant , and the construction of which has been confided to another forum . ’
7 The answer would seem to be for the purpose of ascertaining the possessor 's intention , and for deciding whether in all the circumstances , racial hatred is likely to be stirred up .
8 At some later date he abandoned all his offices and journeyed to the Hijaz ( which journey both Mecdi and el-Kefevi have taken to be for the purpose of going on the pilgrimage ) ; alter his return he did not again hold any office .
9 This account could only be drawn on when it had reached an estimated $1,000 million and would be for the purpose of purchasing the external debt bonds of Argentina 's creditor banks .
10 Sexual contact ‘ includes the intentional touching of the victim 's or actor 's intimate parts or the intentional touching of the clothing covering the immediate area of the victim 's or actor 's intimate parts , if that intentional touching can reasonably be construed as being for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification . ’
11 It seems to me therefore , without laying down the proposition that the Moray Firth is for every purpose within the territorial sovereignty , it can at least be clearly said that the appellant can not make out his proposition that it is inconceivable that the British legislature should attempt for fishery regulation to legislate against all and sundry in such a place .
12 The other primary typification used by Easton 's section police is for the purpose of categorizing the abnormal .
13 All of this , natch , is for the purpose of creating a three-minute visual epic for the panoramic pop blast that is ‘ This Is Not A Song ’ , main track on the craftily-titled newie that is ‘ EP4 ’ .
14 The application by Mr. Wadsworth on behalf of the appellants to adduce fresh evidence before this court is for the purpose of explaining the appellants ' apparently defiant behaviour towards the judge , and the first question we have to address our minds to is whether that evidence should be admitted .
15 Section 83 stipulates that section 82 does not preclude the disclosure of information in any case in which disclosure is for the purpose of enabling or assisting the Bank to discharge its functions under the Act .
16 ‘ The attendance ’ , said counsel for the defendant in Hunt v. Broome , ‘ is for the purpose of peacefully persuading a man not to work so the attendance must be in a position where the persuasion can be carried out ; otherwise its purpose is frustrated …
17 If the baseline is for the purpose of a critical design review of a computer game program , then the assessor might only check that the modules are unambiguous and complete .
18 Section 50C(2) provides a specific example of when this may be necessary , that is , where it is for the purpose of error correction .
19 It is clear that the planning meeting was for the purpose of deciding how the period in secure accommodation should be managed .
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