Example sentences of "be a [noun] [prep] evidence " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There has been a lot of evidence that people who eat a lot of fish have less instances of cancer .
2 For example , there has been a lot of evidence that petrol prices have a marked effect on rates of rural recreation ( Shucksmith , 1 980b ) , since the demand relationship is not only stable , but is also highly price-elastic .
3 First is evidence relating to morphology of the environment , and a portion of a river terrace could be a fragment of evidence through the window of a much more extensive valley floor in the past .
4 The inexorable way in which it became directed towards , or associated with a ‘ god ’ of some sort , can be regarded as having no other significance than to be a source of evidence that without a god and religion in some form , there would be for man an intolerable vacuum in his existence .
5 ‘ On the other hand , there 's a lot of evidence against Parkin .
6 And the third thing is that about twenty to thirty per cent of people who take it undergo a dramatic transformation in their personality , it seems , so it 's claimed in America and there 's a lot of evidence that might be true , erm and that is you know a huge difference from er just an ordinary antidepressant .
7 And there 's a lot of evidence which suggests that immediate reward is much more effective than delayed reward , okay ?
8 I 'd love to do it , really because I think you know er there 's a lot of evidence pro and there 's a lot of evidence against , and I like
9 I 'd love to do it , really because I think you know er there 's a lot of evidence pro and there 's a lot of evidence against , and I like
10 Er , I mean , if if you take an an average case , which may last three or four days , and there 's a lot of evidence of one sort or another , that 's heard and weighed , and considered , and it it boiled down to one paragraph in the newspaper , and who , who chooses to its , to report wh , to report which , the reporter .
11 Dietary change is a central component of this process , and there is a mass of evidence to support the role of a diet high in saturated fat in atherogenesis .
12 In addition there is a mass of evidence that a very high proportion of people in their sixties and seventies are physically capable of remaining longer than they do in the formal labour market .
13 There is a wealth of evidence to say so .
14 The new scheme is intended , inter alia , to promote consistency and fairness and to reduce the number of cases which are brought where there is a lack of evidence .
15 At this meeting the question of marriage was raised ( there is a conflict of evidence as to by whom ) .
16 There is a lot of evidence that such internal restrictions occur in all the accounts of descent groups amassed by anthropologists .
17 There is a lot of evidence that unemployed people tend to be less healthy than their employed counterparts .
18 Ron Garrick , managing director of Weir Group , the Glasgow-based engineering concern , argues : ‘ There is a lot of evidence that in the world 's most successful economies the obvious example is Japan — there is a strong correlation between growth in manufacturing and overall growth . ’
19 Certainly there is a lot of evidence that we have senses other than the ‘ official ’ six .
20 This is , again , a media argument almost as much as a creative one , but there is a lot of evidence , mainly from direct response , that cost-effectiveness decreases over a certain size of ad .
21 No I , I think there is , there is a lot of evidence that this is happening in all of the villages
22 Indeed , there is a body of evidence ( Pidgeon 1967 ; Steedman 1980 ) which suggests that girls do achieve more highly in a single-sex environment .
23 ‘ A custom of trade , which is a matter of evidence , may be used to annex incidents to all written contracts , commercial or agricultural , and others , which do not by their terms exclude it . ’
24 But there is a wisp of evidence that he considered embarking himself on a fast unto death to bring peace to India .
25 But these differences reflect different ideas of what counts as relevant evidence ; and much of the literature is a debate on evidence and the proper and improper uses of techniques for manipulating data .
26 There was a body of evidence that established that at the material time there was more than a normal commercial incentive influencing the actions of Bunn .
27 There was a lot of evidence accumulating at the time about lateralization of function in bird brains — for instance , it appears that chicks respond behaviourally in different ways when they view things with left and right eyes , while in song birds like canaries and zebra finches , the ‘ song centre ’ is located in a left-hemisphere region , rather close to our IMHV .
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