Example sentences of "be liable for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 puts an aerial on your roof and they knock a hole in your roof then presumably they 're liable for the damage
2 would be liable for the whole of the unpaid rent .
3 Thus , he pronounced against the rule that a man could not be liable for the rape of his concubine , stating that concubinage was evidence of consent , but no more than this since the woman could withdraw from cohabitation and thus withdraw her consent .
4 If , however , he has oral sex with her and she is 16 years old or more , he can be liable for the offence of indecent assault only if it can be proved that she did not consent .
5 The Trader shall be liable for the cost of unreasonable detention of any vehicle , trailer , container or sheet but the rights of the Carrier against any other person in respect thereof shall remain unaffected .
6 The basic principle of the Act is in s. 2(1) : " Where any damage is caused wholly or partly by a defect in a product , every person to whom subsection ( 2 ) … applies shall be liable for the damage . "
7 Liability of an effective supplier is envisaged under s2(3) as follows : ( 3 ) Subject , as aforesaid , where any damage is caused wholly or partly by a defect in a product , any person who supplied the product ( whether to the person who suffered the damage , to the producer of any product in which the product in question is comprised or to any other person ) shall be liable for the damage if ( a ) the person who suffered the damage requests the supplier to identify one or more of the persons ( whether still in existence or not ) to whom subsection ( 2 ) above applies in relation to the product ; ( b ) that request is made within a reasonable period after the damage occurs and at a time when it is not reasonably practicable for the person making the request to identify all those persons ; and ( c ) the supplier fails , within a reasonable period after receiving the request , either to comply with the request or to identify the person who supplied the product to him .
8 Your tenants , not you , will be liable for the community charge ( poll tax ) , but you may be liable to capital gains tax when you sell .
9 If a sum greater than that paid in is not recovered at the trial , the plaintiff will be liable for the defendant 's taxed costs from the time of the payment in , even though he or she has ‘ won ’ the action .
10 That person should be liable for the business expenses and entitled to the sale proceeds .
11 As long as the carrier continues to be liable for the delivery of the goods to a holder of the missing bill of lading , the indemnity has to run for long or indefinite periods of time .
12 The tenant will be liable for the VAT ( Ridgeons Bulk v Commissioners of Customs & Excise LON/1990/1702 discussed in [ 1992 ] 37 EG 97 ) .
13 As you are aware Council Tax comes into effect from 1 April 1993 and Regional Authorities in Scotland will shortly be issuing enquiry forms to all households within their area to determine who will be liable for the tax and to enquire whether they are entitled to any discounts , exemptions or rebates .
14 The supplier of the finished product will normally be liable for the supply , provided the finished product is covered by the Act .
15 An exclusion of liability for negligence in a consumer contract was held unreasonable at first instance in Woodman v Photo Trade Processing Ltd ( 1981 ) , unreported where a clause in a contract for the processing of photographs provided that in the event of loss the processor was only to be liable for the value of the unprocessed material .
16 The question was whether the defendants were liable for the damage caused by the squatters or whether the squatters ' actions amounted to a novus actus interveniens .
17 As this act was not independent of the defendant 's negligence it did not break the chain of causation and the defendants were liable for the sailor 's death .
18 Who is liable for the dismissal ?
19 Where any damage is caused by an animal which belongs to a dangerous species , any person who is a keeper of the animal is liable for the damage .
20 ‘ Where damage is caused by an animal which does not belong to a dangerous species , a keeper of the animal is liable for the damage … if :
21 ‘ ( 1 ) Where livestock belonging to any person strays on to land in the ownership or occupation of another and — ( a ) damage is done by the livestock to the land or to any property on it which is in the ownership or possession of the other person ; or ( b ) any expenses are reasonably incurred by that other person in keeping the livestock while it can not be restored to the person to whom it belongs or while it is detained in pursuance of section 7 of [ the ] Act , or in ascertaining to whom it belongs ; the person to whom the livestock belongs is liable for the damage or expenses , except as otherwise provided by [ the ] Act . ’
22 Section 3 of the Animals Act re-enacted , with some modification , the form of strict liability formerly found in the Dogs Acts 1906–1928 and provides that where a dog causes damage by killing or injuring livestock , any person who is a keeper of the dog is liable for the damage .
23 The carrier is liable for the total of partial loss of the goods and for damage thereto from the time of taking over the goods and the time of delivery .
24 An employer is liable for the offence of ‘ using ’ an unlicensed vehicle if the vehicle is driven on his business and it is no defence for the employer to show that he had not authorised the journey if , in fact , the journey was on his business ( Richardson v Baker [ 1976 ] RTR 56 ) .
25 The main advantage of a limited company is that in general only the company and not the individual is liable for the business debts .
26 In a large number of cases the licence is issued to a firm , i.e. a limited company , then the company secretary is liable for the misuse of the trade plate on behalf of the company .
27 ( 3 ) In cases where payment in is made later than within fourteen days of service , or without summons costs , the action is stayed but the defendant is liable for the plaintiff 's costs up to the date when the plaintiff receives payment , but not for costs thereafter ( Ord 11 , r 2(3) ) .
28 Section 13 of the Partnership Act deals with improper employment of property subject to a trust along similar principles , in recognition that trust money comes into a firm otherwise than in the normal course of its business so that something extra is required to fix liability on the firm as a whole : If a partner , being a trustee , improperly employs trust-property in the business or on account of the partnership , no other partner is liable for the trust-property to the persons beneficially interested therein .
29 The only principle of law ( but not business practice ) distinguishing this feature from any type of limited liability company is that the members are liable for the company 's liabilities as guarantors if the company 's own resources prove to be insufficient to meet the liability .
30 Because it 's a registered nursing home , according to the rules its owners are liable for the cost of medical supplies .
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