Example sentences of "be connect with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Equally , these buildings may have been connected with the promotion of the town to the status of a civitas capital .
2 The new Hermitage director has worked there for nearly two years as assistant academic director under acting-director Vitaliy Suslov , but he has been connected with the museum almost all his life ; his father , Academician Boris Piotrovskiy ( 1908–90 ) , was on the staff at the Hermitage for more than half a century , and was its director for twenty-six years before his death en poste .
3 Hannibal was also the object of some sort of pseudohistorical tale of which a papyrus has preserved a piece that as far as I know has never been connected with the oracle transmitted by Antisthenes .
4 Er previously I 've had , held the license of Three Fishes at Lyddon er , for three years er , previous to that I held the license of the Mason 's Arms , with for three years previous to that and before I 've been connected with the catering and licensed trade from be fifteen .
5 Er previous to that I held the licence for The Mason 's Arms at for three years previous to that and before that I 've been connected with the catering and licence trade from being fifteen .
6 Jahsaxa flinched with annoyance when she realised she 'd been connected with the Roirbak answering machine again .
7 He may have been connected with the Pemyll family of Egerton .
8 The matches ceased with the advent of the Second World War but in the 1970's , Richard Beckwith , a local photographer whose father had been connected with the event , thought it would be a good idea to revive it .
9 It emerged that Hayman had for some years been connected with the Paedophile Information Exchange ( PIE ) , and had received their contact magazine — carrying advertisements from men seeking sex with children — through the post .
10 The tendency for earlier generations to lean so heavily on providence had been connected with the brevity and insecurity of life .
11 They have also been connected with the running of the cursus publicus , the empire-wide postal system created by Augustus for carrying official goods and despatches , and the intermediate stations mansiones and mutationes — along its routes .
12 The Soviet military claimed that the troop movements had been connected with the spring draft for the army — in Lithuania only 1,000 out of 11,000 had responded .
13 The move may have been connected with the fact that the new emperor , Julius Nepos , was an eastern appointment .
14 In 1986 he became general manager for a private sector group 's residential and nursing homes and for the past year has been connected with the Bridge Hospital in Witham , involved with people with learning disabilities .
15 The Batt family had been connected with the Club since 1907 when Tom Batt bought bonds .
16 Anicius Saturninus at Irchester has been described as a remount officer securing new horses for the army , while O. Cordius Candidus at Dover may have been connected with the transport of horses across the Channel .
17 These sudden rages , which he attributed to his head wound but which may have been connected with the suppression of inherited melancholy , always passed quickly and disappeared in late life .
18 But reporters from the Hurriyet newspaper suggest that the dolphin deaths are connected with the presence of 10 fish-oil factories at nearby Yakakent .
19 As already seen , the sections make special provision for transactions with persons who are connected with the company or are associates of the debtor .
20 Two other distinctive features of post-industrialism are connected with the rise of a service economy .
21 The following paragraph will be added after paragraph 1 : " ( 2 ) Paragraph 1 above shall be applied to liabilities of the GDR or its legal entities as well as to liabilities of the Federation or other corporate bodies and institutions under public law which are connected with the transfer of properties of the GDR to the federation , Länder and communes ( Gemeinden ) , and to liabilities arising from measures taken by the GDR or its legal entities . "
22 Both the type of person and the life occupation are connected with the balance of Self and projection ( p. 35 ) .
23 Fish likewise are connected with the forest spirits , and thought dangerous to women : pregnant wives , for instance , should not eat fish .
24 ‘ We have nothing to suggest they are connected with the crime .
25 This explains why most of today 's top helicopter pilots are connected with the model trade in some way !
26 Because they are connected with the area of the cortex that is designated the auditory cortex .
27 ‘ Does she know you 're connected with the college ? ’
28 Unless you 're connected with the show , could you go home , please . ’
29 The police suspect the IRA may be connected with the incident .
30 I assured him we were only asking Mr Evans one or two questions that might or might not be connected with the case .
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