Example sentences of "be note that [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly we are noting that Mark Antony is not as shallow as he first appeared .
2 Although this last point is not in broad terms contentious , it should be noted that La Brant did not clearly establish criteria for judging complexity .
3 It should also be noted that Mrs Bush is hugely popular in the country , whereas Mrs Clinton — seen by her husband as likely to be more powerful even than Franklin Roosevelt 's wife , Eleanor , — is already controversial .
4 However , it should be noted that P/E ratios are calculated on a ‘ net ’ distribution basis in which EPS is calculated after taxation and without relief from advanced corporation tax .
5 It should be noted that morbidity statistics are generally of less reliable quality than mortality statistics .
6 It should be noted that Whisky exports are almost entirely responsible for the appearance of some of the smaller [ particularly Latin American and Caribbean ] markets in the Top 40 list .
7 However , it should be noted that Scrutton LJ 's words were said in a case involving a contract between commercial parties and it now seems that the insistence that public policy is primarily concerned with holding people to their agreements is now out of favour .
8 In this latter context , it should be noted that RSC Order 53 rule 3(8) provides that where certiorari is sought to quash any decision which is subject to appeal , and a time-limit is fixed for that appeal , the court may adjourn the application for leave to seek certiorari until the appeal is heard or the time limit for appealing has expired .
9 It should be noted that TOM practice does not recognize negative intrinsic values .
10 The advantages of Unix for multi-user systems are becoming more widely accepted in computing circles , but it should be noted that Unix versions of our specialist software packages are as yet unavailable .
11 It has to be noted that gaol conditions are no longer newsworthy and the clamour for reform has largely faded .
12 It must also be noted that transport costs continue to rise and more and more local authorities are seeking to make savings in this area .
13 A more detailed analysis of the degree subject/type of work relationship for polytechnic and college graduates has been provided by Brennan and McGeevor ( 1988 ) , who showed that the percentage of ‘ specialist ’ graduates working in the field of their specialism three years later ranged from 97 per cent in pharmacy to only 24 per cent in 3D design , although it should be noted that employment figures for art and design graduates are particularly problematic ( Barnett 1989 ) .
14 It was noted that SPLA forces had been weakened both by internal divisions [ see pp. 38426 ; 38666 ] and by the May 1991 change of government in Ethiopia , which had meant that they could no longer operate from bases there .
15 It was noted that Mrs Joan Blair would be on the Staff part-time over the next year .
16 It was noted that breath methane concentrations were generally higher in non-responders than in responders .
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