Example sentences of "be clear that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am clear that this policy remains appropriate .
2 From this description of the three categories , it should be clear that personal computing , where the user himself uses the system directly as a tool of the trade , is essential for categories ( ii ) and ( iii ) .
3 It should now be clear that Buid attitudes toward peace and violence can not be understood in terms of innate psycho-biological dispositions , or in terms of their adaptation of the natural environment .
4 It should also be clear that future investigations and policies must take account of class and gender and be sensitive to possible differences between minority black communities .
5 It will be clear that human religion need not in this sense be historical .
6 It will be clear that these judgments of normality are normative .
7 However , it should be clear that any firm which issues a guarantee must inevitably err on the side of over-zealousness , which will add to expense .
8 Your line manager will be sympathetic to all reasonable requests but you should be clear that special leave is granted at management discretion ; it is not and entitlement and is not an entitlement and is dependent on the needs of the business .
9 It must be clear that improved liaison between these parties will help , but this is only part of the requirement .
10 We must be clear that this occasion must be the exception and not the rule .
11 From the evidence presented above — and this is merely illustrative of the evidence available — it should be clear that corporate crime ought to be a prioritized concern because it is the more serious .
12 The authors of the Black Report , who included one of the most eminent Fabian academics , Professor Peter Townsend , were clear that such disparities were socially unjust and the NHS needed policies to address them , but they were forced to conclude from the evidence that the major causes of health inequalities lay beyond the NHS and were rooted in the material conditions of life experienced by the different classes .
13 Although it is clear that mountainous areas with few nearby notable pollution sources are receiving their pollution burden from regions or countries several hundreds or thousands of kilometres distant , it is difficult to determine precisely from which source or sources the pollution originated .
14 ‘ It is clear that political-administrative elites and not the masses of acceptors are deciding on the technology to be used ’ USAID Evaluation Report , 1979
15 However , it is clear that chronic health problems appear to increase with age .
16 So it is clear that private citizens are the proper persons to ‘ enforce ’ private law .
17 Although it is hard to know how valid these comparisons are , it is clear that ordinary people in Britain have far more possessions and assets than they did in 1911 .
18 It is clear that electronegative chlorine substituents on the phosphine ligands decrease the electron density on the central Co atom , thereby decreasing the back-bonding and raising the CO and NO bond stretching frequencies .
19 It is clear that quantitative methodology can be applied , with interesting results , to data bases other than the bodies of naturally occurring spontaneous speech for which it was originally designed .
20 Nevertheless it is clear that Anglo-American relations had suffered a number of shocks since 1950 , while Churchill was quite wrong in his expectation that the Americans would be happier to work with him than with Labour .
21 Housing subsidies in the past have sometimes favoured rural areas , but Shucksmith believes that the higher building costs have not been matched , and that ‘ it is clear that central government policies have played a major role in frustrating council housing in rural areas , both through the overall financial allocation to rural areas , and through the constraints imposed on individual developments … . ’
22 Pareto is clear that political activity is not necessarily a moralising activity ; on the contrary , the governing elite has to be able and willing to use violence , corruption , guilt and deceit to ensure public order , national independence and social conditions for the growth of national prosperity .
23 It is clear that political commitment is no more sufficient for the development of good pedagogy than is the ability to speak a particular language and to share in its associated culture .
24 Since these variations can occur within a single species , and even within a single individual , it is clear that good samples are necessary before attempting to distinguish patterns .
25 ‘ However , it is clear that 18 July 1989 is not a magic cut-off point .
26 It is clear that unpublished price sensitive information fulfils this requirement .
27 It is clear that each case in this area will depend on its own facts .
28 It is clear that each Command had a basis for judging tour length ; for example , Bomber Command seemed to feature the number of sorties to establish this .
29 Total membership fluctuated widely around 5,000 and it is clear that many members only stayed with the Party for a short time .
30 It is clear that many others — perhaps Lanfranc too — saw this .
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