Example sentences of "be describe as the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 French cooperation in the EEC in the years immediately after 1958 could perhaps best be described as the lull before the storm .
2 It can probably best be described as the way you are feeling and thinking when you meet any situation .
3 Sequoia 2000 , the consortium of the US universities led by the University of California at Berkeley and the cultural successor to the Athena project , might as well be described as the Vatican of Unix , he says .
4 Pressman and Wildavsky have made a tentative attempt to draw attention to what may loosely be described as the mathematics of implementations the way in which the mere quantity of agreements necessary may , even when all parties are committed to a policy , undermine or delay effective action .
5 He has nothing left but the limited interest granted to him by what may perhaps be described as the indulgence of the court under section 5(2) of the Act of 1920 .
6 Her ideas can fairly be described as the intersection of personal and group fantasies .
7 If we have the content primarily in mind , and are willing to strain language somewhat , consciousness can be described as the existence-for of contents , or their existence-to .
8 Dietary fibre can also be described as the carbohydrate material in plant foods ( mainly derived from the cell walls ) which is not digested by man .
9 In Texas it may be described as the past constantly almost catching up with the future , leaving no stable present time .
10 Barlaston could be described as the Gettysburg or even the Stalingrad battle for preservation in England , the place where against overwhelming and continuous odds an outstanding building has been preserved and revived .
11 It troubled me with what can only be described as the Idea of Autumn .
12 The Gulf war could be described as the struggle for control of the post-cold war world order — a bid to retain American leadership , to establish a form of political regulation of the post-Fordist world economy that retains the Fordist political institutions .
13 This can be described as the degree to which an odour is perceived to be agreeable or disagreeable , pleasant or unpleasant .
14 But gardening may be described as the activity of interfering with natural plant succession and preventing the establishment of a climax community .
15 In the Lewis Papers , Warren remarked , ‘ With his passing we lose him who may perhaps be described as the hero of our saga …
16 But yesterday 's arrangements could hardly be described as the preparation for a normal family ceremony .
17 Simmel concludes this section of his Philosophy with an argument that money represents the end point of that cultural process which may be described as the reduction of quality to quantity , a line of argument which was to prove particularly influential in later traditions of Western Marxism .
18 It is this being , the power behind the throne who acts as the unifying force of all the ‘ lesser ’ deities , who would more appropriately be described as the God of Hinduism .
19 It can be described as the psychology of absolute consciousness , seeing consciousness not only as an awareness an individual has of him or her ‘ self , but an eternal all-pervasive principle — the highest reality , with all things being manifestations of it .
20 The Social Charter may be described as the attempt by the EC Commission to introduce a ‘ social dimension to the internal market ’ .
21 My initial question was answered and these dedicated crew members who give so much time so freely can only be described as the salt of the earth .
22 Positivism in turn can be seen as a set of ideas tending to reinforce the ideological domination ( or ‘ hegemony ’ ) of the bourgeois class at a yet later stage when it had become the ruling class in Europe : if criminal actions can be described as the result of mindless pathology rather than rational choice this both absolves capitalism of any blame for crime and helps to delegi-timize protest against the existing order ( Taylor et al. , 1973 : ch. 2 ) .
23 The victory of Roman imperialism can in its turn be described as the result of four factors : the new direction given by Rome to the social — that is the military — forces of old Italy ; the utter inability of any Hellenistic army to match the Romans in the field ; the painful erosion of Celtic civilization and its appendages which went on for centuries and ultimately enabled the Romans to control the resources of western Europe from the Atlantic to the Danubian regions ; and finally the cooperation of Greek intellectuals with Italian politicians and writers in creating a new bilingual culture which gave sense to life under Roman rule .
24 He could be described as the George Best of rugby except that his fame is confined , outside of Australia , mainly to those who follow his sport , rather than Best 's .
25 His aim might unkindly be described as the creating of rococo tragedy with Aristotle 's support .
26 These may very briefly be described as the exclusion of lay influence from the Church at all levels from papal elections down to the investiture of bishops and the ownership of churches , and the centralization of government by frequent papal councils and synods , and by the appointment of papal legates with superior jurisdiction over wide areas .
27 But as I argued earlier , there is in every social scientific theory a component which Schumpeter called ‘ vision ’ , but which could also be described as the background ideas in a paradigm , that is influential in determining the focus of attention and the choice of central issues for analysis .
28 The Government are always making predictions , and in that sense the Chancellor may be described as the Mother Shipton — perhaps I should call him the Brother Shipton — of economics .
29 ‘ Chris ’ Nelson can justly be described as the Henry Ford of ice cream novelty production .
30 Ahi sā could be described as the means leading to the realization of Truth as the end or goal , but since means and ends are convertible terms in Gandhi 's philosophy of life , to practise ahi sā is to realize Truth and to realize Truth is to practise ahi sā .
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