Example sentences of "be suggest that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There is an item about this joint staffing watch at item ten , which suggests that the government are also finding that it 's got limited use , and are suggesting that these returns should be completed on a different basis , and rather than quarterly , annually .
2 Some MPs are suggesting that local authorities should be given the power to compel farmers to protect hedges .
3 Later on we shall be suggesting that some CONFLICTS in marriage can be seen as an attempt to put right experiences which have gone wrong in the past .
4 It could not be suggested that these justices in the instant case did not take time to consider the matter and it is not suggested , nor could it be , that they did not take a great deal of care in carrying out their duties .
5 Adultery has been a hanging matter — both in this and in the usual sense of the phrase — for the literature of the past , and perhaps it could be suggested that both senses may at times be presented to the mind by what Amis does with the subject , and that there is no striking difference in this respect between what he did in the Sixties and what he has done in the Eighties .
6 And Hulme stormed back , ‘ But using ‘ sexual harassment ’ to describe someone who says ‘ Phwooar ! ’ is to suggest that all men are animals .
7 In what is perhaps the most usual response to these altered judgements against crime between pre-war and postwar years , of course , it is suggested that such incidents have become ‘ more serious ’ or ‘ more violent ’ as the years have gone by .
8 It is suggested that such students should be encouraged to publish during the tenure of their studentships , so that new findings may be incorporated quickly and permanently into the literature of the subject .
9 It is suggested that such students should be encouraged to publish during the tenure of their studentships , so that new findings may be incorporated quickly and permanently into the literature of the subject .
10 Consequently , it is suggested that private citizens have difficulty with the forms , both in understanding what they say and in how they should be filled in , and with the hearings , which can be legalistic .
11 It is suggested that defective receipts should not be accepted , but should be sent back to be corrected .
12 It is suggested that certain structures , which may appear metaphorical , are best treated as cases of underlexicalisation .
13 As an alternative , it is suggested that simpler techniques involving the processing of machine-readable dictionaries and data within the text itself are more practical , and offer better prospects for a successful implementation .
14 It is suggested that 2 machines required for horticulture , and 1 for library .
15 The use of the microphone by some students this year undoubtedly helped those students who lacked confidence in their ability to project their voices , and it is suggested that more students should try using the sound system to gain experience for the future .
16 It is suggested that these observations can be reconciled by appeal to contestable markets theory — where potential competition restrains the profitability of intermediaries , together with shifts in bargaining power towards end users of funds .
17 However , it is suggested that these points of convergence should not be allowed to disguise important differences in values and assumptions between the two positions .
18 In fact , such evidence as there is suggests that male moths follow the second rule : on sensing bombykol they simply fly upwind .
19 What little evidence there is suggests that these dispositions were interpreted as trusts .
20 However , it has been suggested that long-term factors still favour further consolidation .
21 It has been suggested that non-cognitive theories of ethics do best with those ethical words such as ‘ good ’ and ‘ ought ’ which are most plausibly represented as purely valuational , while cognitivist theories ( which take moral knowledge and truth seriously ) do best with words such as ‘ brave ’ ’ loyal' and so forth ( LOVIBOND ) .
22 It has been suggested that similar reactions may take place on background sulphate aerosols in the Antarctic stratosphere , but as yet there has been no unambiguous evidence for these reactions in the absence of polar stratospheric clouds ( although there have been observations of ozone loss attributed to volcanic aerosols ) .
23 Although such behaviour corresponds closely to the descriptions of other feral children , it is impossible to know whether these children might have developed similar patterns of behaviour even if brought up in greater contact with people , and it has been suggested that feral children might have been abandoned by their parents because of their behaviour problems .
24 For cervical cancer it has been suggested that physiological reasons make it more difficult to take good smears from older women .
25 It has been suggested that young birds use their magnetic sense to orient a compass based on the sun and the stars .
26 At Great Dunmow , for instance , it has been suggested that such strips were up to c. 100 m ( 327 ft ) deep , while the Fosse Way southwest of Ilchester was lined by two successive rows of enclosures some 50 by 20 m ( 165 by 66 ft ) in size .
27 It has been suggested that such provisos are not effective in protecting a landlord from the severity of the law and can not be set up as a defence to the claim that by accepting rent the breach of covenant has been waived .
28 It has been suggested that such sediments are characteristic of aseismic continental shelves as they move away from a mid-oceanic ridge .
29 It has been suggested that such terranes are equivalent to oceanic plateaus , which are to be found in the present-day ocean basins and which often rise several kilometres above the adjacent ocean floor ( Fig. 3.32 ) .
30 It had been suggested that many futurologists that greatly increased leisure for the multitudes will result from automation , computerisation , nuclear energy and other technological advances .
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