Example sentences of "be believe [prep] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 This house and Palazzo Durini ( see page 126 ) are believed to be the first two town houses to have been built in the city after the population had been decimated by plague in 1630 , when , it was thought , as many as 70,000 Milanese died .
2 Usually considered to be a type of Danish ELF , although the story of their origin sets them apart , for they are believed to be the descendants of Adam and his first wife , Lilith .
3 Details of the types of knives used in crimes are not generally available either , but ordinary kitchen and craft knives are believed to be the most commonly used in attacks , rather than the kind that the hon. Gentleman mentioned as being advertised .
4 They come from the space between the planets and are believed to be the remnants of matter that was used to form the Solar System .
5 Stone recurrences in five patients are believed to be the result of residual stones as they reformed by the six month follow up examination and each of the post procedure contrast studies had shown a filling defect in the neck of the gall bladder or cystic duct .
6 The stations , designed by British scientists , are believed to be the first satellite-linked automatic weather stations .
7 Finally , the man with the largest feet in Britain has just taken delivery of what are believed to be the biggest pair of shoes in the world .
8 The authorities in California are conducting investigations into the skiing and rafting accidents which are believed to be the first of their kind in the state .
9 ‘ The Moltkean Revolution ’ , as it has been called , a led to the adoption everywhere in continental Europe of what were believed to be the secrets of its success — compulsory military service to provide a short-service army with a large trained reserve , and the creation of a permanent , highly-trained general staff .
10 At the time , they were believed to be the bones of James .
11 These attacks were believed to be the work of the military wing ( HOS ) of the right-wing Croatian Party of Justice ( HSP ) , operating outside the control of the Croatian authorities .
12 Although the Somerset levels is one of the strongholds of the country 's 3,000 barn owls , the pair were believed to be the first to breed in Avon for six years .
13 It is believed to be the first time a developer has urged the Government to schedule an archaeological site .
14 The settlement is believed to be the largest compensation payment the BBC has ever made , topping the £75,000 paid in April 1982 to Dr Sydney Gee , who ran a Harley Street slimming clinic .
15 Avon Health 89-90 is believed to be the only local guide in the country to both orthodox and complementary health .
16 His family woollen business was founded in 1541 and is believed to be the oldest family business of its kind in the world .
17 Many polar flavonoids are excellent enzyme inhibitors because of their ability to bind to proteins — eg the ability of narigenin ( 14 ) and catechin ( 15 ) to inhibit histidine decarboxylase , which catalyses the formation of the gastric acid stimulator histamine , is believed to be the basis of their antiulcer action .
18 Its history of commerce is believed to be the reason why Ealing — of which Brentford was originally its southernmost part — decided to keep Brentford at arm 's length , thereby retaining to itself , an almost exclusively residential area as Ealing .
19 This is believed to be the first time that a court of law in any country has declared that scientific evidence establishes cause and effect between exposure to smoke and certain diseases .
20 It is believed to be the last living relic of the days when these islands were joined to Europe and the Thames was a tributary of the Rhine , where the same species of snail is still found .
21 The penalty is believed to be the most severe yet meted out to a scientist for falsifying research findings .
22 The village cross , in the Market Place , is believed to be the second cross , the current one being erected in 181 1 after the original was destroyed by workers on the Hull drainage scheme .
23 Rudston 's history goes back a very long way to Neolithic times and it is believed to be the oldest inhabited village in England .
24 Seen to be an ‘ effect ’ of the Universal or Unified Field , it is able to transmit energy patterns from one natural source to another and give rise to a physical formation of those patterns — in other words , the field is believed to be the agent for creation , growth and development throughout nature .
25 This is believed to be the lowest price that its owner Trafalgar House will accept in order to dispose of it .
26 BDO Seidman has won what is believed to be the first successful countersuit by an auditor against a former client .
27 It will allow instant and easy access , on computer screens , to the financial reports and results of 4.5m companies in over 40 countries , and is believed to be the largest integrated online database of its kind .
28 Indeed the Post Office is believed to be the first major organisation to provide the details by the direct method .
29 The clay-puddled cutting itself was of single-break shape and is believed to be the earliest example of the type .
30 An accident in 1922 is believed to be the explanation for the appearance of the ‘ Grey Lady ’ whose ghostly form has been reported in the tunnel near Shields Road Station .
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