Example sentences of "be direct against the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If we traverse the cycle in the direction J to k to I to J , then some edges of the cycle will have their arrows directed in this direction and we will say that the corresponding variables are forward variables whereas the remaining edges will be directed against the direction of the cycle and we will describe the corresponding variables as reverse variables .
2 However , unlike the other offences under the Act , the violence must be directed against the person and must be more than mere threatening words .
3 Now the agitation in the country and the violent disorder it threatened could be directed against the Government .
4 The engagement which followed was hardly even a skirmish , but it had been directed against the king , and in December , after Lancaster had moved to the midlands to gather reinforcements , the king wrote to the City of London complaining that Lancaster intended to attack him .
5 The second methodological objection has been directed against the proposition developed in this book that economic equilibrium in the Soviet economy is established on the basis of conflict between two antagonistic laws , the law of value and the law of primitive socialist accumulation which means denial that there is a single regulator of the whole system .
6 However , the criticism that has been directed against the conflict between the principle of specialization ( that efficiency is increased by specialization ) and the principle of unity of command ( that efficiency is enhanced by having members in a determinate hierarchy of authority receive orders from no more than one person ) are relevant to a political view of organizations .
7 Nevertheless , while regarded by the vast majority of members as good , proper and for the immediate and ultimate improvement of professional standards , the concept was challenged on a number of points , though these challenges were directed against the logistics of the proposal rather than the philosophy .
8 And the saying that the rules of grammar are arbitrary is directed against the possibility of this justification , which is constructed on the model of justifying a sentence by pointing to what verifies it ’ ) .
9 Much of the criticism , however , is directed against the nationalism of the developing countries — against Arab , African or Latin American nationalism , for example — which challenges in various ways the dominance of the industrial capitalist nations ; yet it is evident that nationalism is just as strong in the latter countries , though for good historical reasons ( they are long established , accepted nation states ) it may be less vehemently expressed .
10 Misgivings that the military campaign was directed against the government 's political opponents in Sind had grown after the death in military custody on June 8 of a Sindhi opposition politician , Mohammad Yusuf Jakhrani .
11 Balkan aggression was directed at the Germans and Austrians for much the same reason that Polish nationalism was directed against the partitioning powers , but unlike the Poles , the Serbians and Bosnians were supported by the Russians .
12 Initially this oppositional thought was directed against the rationalism of the Enlightenment as it was expressed in the doctrines of the French Revolution and in the practices of the developing capitalist economy ; and in Germany especially , it was associated with the Romantic movement .
13 Some form of physical violence was directed against the victim in about 80 per cent .
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