Example sentences of "be care for in [art] " in BNC.

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1 In recent years prisons have accumulated increasing numbers of mentally disordered people who at one time would probably been cared for in the old asylums .
2 62% felt that they should be cared for in the community in ordinary homes rather than in special homes or hospitals
3 In the October of 1855 Sarah returned to London , just five years after she had left her baby to be cared for in the Foundling Hospital .
4 On Timor by late May , however , there was the comforting knowledge that the most seriously wounded could be evacuated by sea-plane through Suai and that others could be cared for in the Ainaro hospital — a different picture from the days of doubt and dismay some eight weeks earlier .
5 Being cared for in a hospital was like being a child again .
6 A SOCIAL services chief issued an appeal yesterday for the bit-part actress Yasmin Gibson to contact them about the future of her Home Alone daughter , being cared for in a children 's home .
7 I point out the difference as many people with mental health problems are now being cared for in the community and I feel that the community needs to understand these people rather than doubly stigmatise them by thinking that they have two illnesses rather than one .
8 Watson , for whom The Mirror helped raise £150,000 in a special appeal night in July , is being cared for in an East London neurological rehabilitation unit , added : ‘ I am here until next March — it 's driving me crazy because I want to make a comeback .
9 Bangladeshi infants were cared for in a consistently rich sensory environment ; Welsh infants , in contrast , were more likely to experience alternating periods of high and low sensory input .
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