Example sentences of "be hold liable [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In determining whether the defendants ought to be held liable under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher , the learned judge considered that he ought to pay regard to ( i ) the quantities of combustible materials which the defendants brought onto the land ; ( ii ) the way in which they stored them ; and ( iii ) the character of the neighbourhood .
2 Savory argued that a stranger to whom money had been paid in breach of trust could only be held liable as a constructive trustee to account for the money after he had parted with it , if it could be shown that he knew the money misapplied was trust money .
3 The reasoning on this point has , however , attracted much criticism and it has been proposed that the husband should , in future , be held liable as an accessory in these circumstances .
4 Courts should not exclude evidence just because it is not accepted wisdom ; nor should they allow plaintiffs to be held liable on the basis of mere hypothesis or speculation .
5 At common law the employer did not guarantee the safety of the equipment and could not be held liable for a latent defect in it .
6 In an 1884 case , the Divisional Court held that an artisan whose wife had bought blankets at the door for 22/6d when he had given her permission to spend but 17/6d , could not be held liable for the extra sum .
7 Anyone resident in a house could be held liable for the support of other household members , which meant that a wage-earning son or daughter often moved out of the home in order not to diminish the unemployed parents ' entitlement to benefit .
8 Congress , this motion urges a change in legislation so that , in the matter of insolvency , the employer be held liable to a much greater degree and indeed be held criminally responsible for actions involving awardance of debt liability .
9 He contended that , as the plaintiffs ' claim against the third defendant is based exclusively on conspiracy and fraud , the third defendant will only be held liable to the plaintiffs if he is found guilty of serious dishonesty .
10 Conversely , a carrier who issues a non-negotiable bill in a foreign port naming a United States importer as consignee may be held liable in the United States for refusing to deliver the goods to the United States consignee who does not surrender the bill of lading .
11 The plaintiff 's horse ate some leaves and died and the defendants were held liable under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher .
12 The third defendant issued a third party notice against the plaintiffs ' accountant claiming an indemnity or contribution in the event of the third defendant being held liable to the plaintiffs , on the ground that the accountant had negligently failed to warn the plaintiffs of the risks inherent in the defendants ' transactions .
13 The position is equivalent to that which would exist if the third defendant were claiming contribution by means of a separate action after being held liable to the plaintiffs .
14 The reason for this is to avoid those who appointed the administrative receiver being treated as mortgagees in possession or being held liable for the receiver 's acts which would be the case were the receiver to be treated as their agent .
15 ‘ The third defendant denies the plaintiffs ' claim against him but if contrary to his contentions he is held liable to the plaintiffs , he claims against you to be indemnified against the plaintiffs ' claims and the costs of this action , alternatively contribution to such extent of the plaintiffs ' claims as the court may think fit , on the grounds that ( 1 ) at all material times , you were the accountants retained by and advising the plaintiffs and each of them in respect of the proposed transaction ( and in particular the financial aspects thereof ) in relation to which the said alleged liability of the plaintiffs and each of them to [ B.M.T. ] was incurred ; ( 2 ) in about the period from January to September 1983 , you acted in breach of contract and negligently towards the plaintiffs and each of them in that you failed to advise them properly or at all with regard to the said proposed transaction and the financial aspects thereof and in particular failed to explain the full nature and extent thereof to the plaintiffs and each of them and/or failed to advise the plaintiffs as to the commercial prudence of the same and/or the risks inherent in proceeding with the same and/or failed to warn them not to enter into the same ; ( 3 ) that in so far as any financial information was or may have been communicated by the third defendant he did so in reliance upon information supplied by you .
16 An omnibus company was held liable for the act of one of its drivers , who overturned a rival omnibus while racing with it and obstructing it , although directions had been issued to the driver forbidding such conduct .
17 The defendant was held liable for the loss , as the thief 's act did not break the chain of causation .
18 The pump manufacturer was held liable for the value of the lobsters ( property damage ) but not for the costs of buying and attempting to repair the pumps .
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