Example sentences of "be not in breach [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We will debit amounts withdrawn by use of your Card to whichever of your accounts you select except for any withdrawals made after either ( i ) your right to use your Card has been terminated under Condition 8 or ( ii ) we have received your notification of the loss or theft of your Card under Condition 4 ( provided you are not in breach of these Conditions ) .
2 Held , dismissing the appeal , that since it was the business of estate agents to act for numerous principals , several of whom might be competing and whose interests would conflict , a term was to be implied in the contract with such an agent that he was entitled to act for other principals selling similar properties and to keep confidential information obtained from each principal and that the agent 's fiduciary duty was determined by the contract of agency ; that since the plaintiff knew that the defendants would be acting for other vendors of comparable properties and would receive confidential information from them , the agency contract could not have included terms requiring them to disclose that confidential information to him , or precluding them from acting for rival vendors , or from trying to earn commission on the sale of another vendor 's property ; and that , accordingly , although the purchaser 's interest in acquiring both properties was material information which could have affected negotiations for the sale price of the plaintiff 's house , the defendants were not in breach of their duty in failing to inform the plaintiff of the agreement to buy the adjacent house , which was confidential to the owner thereof , and the defendants ' financial interest in that sale did not give rise to a breach of fiduciary duty ( post , pp. 941A–B , G–H , 942A–B , G — 943B ) .
3 They further held that there was no evidence to support the judge 's assessment of damages and , since the defendants were not in breach of their duty , no ground for depriving them of their commission .
4 Here , the sellers were not in breach of the condition as to description since , unlike Pinnocks case , there was no addition of goods outside the contractual description .
5 The doctor is not in breach of his legal duty to his patient if , by adopting the particular form of treatment , his principal and primary intention is the alleviation of symptoms which are discomforting and irremediable in any less drastic a way .
6 Provided that the doctor is satisfied that the patient , when forbidding further treatment , was aware of what he was saying , the short answer must be that he is not in breach of his duty .
7 For example , an employer is not in breach of contract for sacking someone because of his or her age .
8 [ To the best of our knowledge and belief publication of the information contained in the Memorandum regarding the contracts to which the Group is a party is not in breach of any of those contracts . ]
9 The warranties require the Vendor to confirm that it is not in breach of any obligations ; that is not something which the Purchaser can confirm .
10 ( i ) the registered foreign lawyer 's involvement in the business is not in breach of his or her own professional rules ;
11 Before disclosing the agreement the vendor should ensure that he is not in breach of any confidentiality undertakings contained in the agreement and if necessary first obtain the consent of the other parties before disclosing the agreement to the purchaser .
12 The vendor will be required to warrant that it is not in breach of any of the contracts of employment nor , so far as the vendor is aware , are any of the employees .
13 Obviously , an employee is free to apply for another position even with a rival of his present employer , or to find premises in which to set up a future business so long as in doing so he is not in breach of any valid express term in his employment contract : see Searle ( GD ) & Co Ltd v Celltech Ltd [ 1982 ] FSR 92 .
14 The effect of clauses which define the contractor 's obligations is that , if the contractor performs in accordance with the express undertaking , it has performed the contract and is not in breach of contract at all .
15 Therefore , he says , she was not in breach of any right vested in the husband , or , indeed , in the court when she removed the child on 3 July 1991 .
16 Speaking at the league 's annual meeting in Walsall , McKeag added : ‘ There was very little detail involved and we are not in a position to investigate in detail a club 's financial situation nor would we be able to impose any sanctions against a club which was not in breach of regulations .
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