Example sentences of "be not in possession [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although I am not in possession of a comprehensive discography , I would surmise that with this latest batch of releases from the ‘ Klemperer Edition ’ , EMI must have transferred to CD practically all the recordings this great conductor made with the Philharmonia and New Philharmonia Orchestra between 1955 and 1970 .
2 As trespass is an interference with possession , it follows that if the plaintiff were not in possession at the date of the alleged meddling , he can not sue for trespass .
3 ‘ Is a trial judge entitled to refuse to permit the Crown to discontinue a prosecution after the Crown has called evidence which in his judgment could properly sustain a conviction if the jury believed it and provided he has first ascertained in the absence of the jury that the Crown were not in possession of facts of which the judge is unaware , which would justify discontinuance : and when counsel for the Crown decides to take no further part in the case , to call himself the one remaining prosecution witness whose evidence was merely to produce signed and initialled notes of an interview the police had with the defendant ?
4 ‘ Is a trial judge entitled to refuse to permit the Crown to discontinue a prosecution after the Crown has called evidence which in his judgment could properly sustain a conviction if the jury believed it and before the case for the Crown has been closed , provided he has first ascertained in the absence of the jury that the Crown were not in possession of facts of which the judge is unaware , which would justify discontinuance ; and when counsel for the Crown decides to take no further part in the case , to call himself the one remaining prosecution witness whose evidence was merely to produce signed and initialled notes of an interview the police had with the defendant ?
5 If the passenger is not in possession of a licence , but states he is the holder of the necessary licence , further enquiries will be made by the police officer to ascertain whether or not he is a duly licensed driver .
6 ( 2 ) A person can not steal land , or things forming part of land and severed from it by him or by his directions , except in the following cases , that is to say — ( a ) when he is a trustee or personal representative , or is authorised by power of attorney , or as liquidator of a company , or otherwise , to sell or dispose of land belonging to another , and he appropriates the land or anything forming part of it by dealing with it in breach of the confidence reposed in him ; or ( b ) when he is not in possession of the land and appropriates anything forming part of the land by severing it or causing it to be severed , or after it has been severed ; or ( c ) when , being in possession of the land under a tenancy , he appropriates the whole or part of any fixture or structure let to be used with the land .
7 ( b ) when he is not in possession of the land and appropriates anything forming part of the land by severing it or causing it to be severed , or after it has been severed ; or
8 Being a slug Steg is n't in possession of legs , in fact , he 's completely legless ( groan — the whole world ) , but he moves around exceptionally well .
9 The taxpayer 's claim that he could not comply with a s 8 , TMA 1970 notice requiring him to submit tax returns as he was not in possession of the full facts to enable him to complete the returns properly was rejected in the High Court in Alexander v Wallington General Commissioners and IRC [ 1992 ] STI 264 .
10 The law now gives the scrummage to the team that was not in possession of the ball at the start of the ruck or maul .
11 The fact that Henry was not in possession of those areas in 1259 did not mean that he or his successors might not actively revive their claims .
12 ( S. ) 479 ) the Court would proceed on the basis that the offender was not in possession of a real gun ; people who carry real guns that are loaded , particularly if they are discharged , stood to receive greatly enhanced sentences .
13 Where a seller was not in possession of a licence which could be transferred to the buyer at the date of completion of the contract it was decided that , the seller having failed to execute the contract , the purchaser could repudiate it : Day v. Luhke ( 1868 ) L.R. 5 Eq .
14 The dealer was in possession of the car with consent and in his capacity as a mercantile agent , since the possession was with a view to an eventual sale , but he was not in possession of the registration document with the consent of the owner .
15 And , while I was not in possession of definite proof , my money was on it coming from somewhere a little further away than the Fulham Palace Road .
16 Where , however , the plaintiff was not in possession at the time of the conversion but relied on his right to possession jus tertii could be pleaded by the defendant .
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