Example sentences of "be not in conflict [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the French LFAs , agriculture and nature conservation are not in conflict to any marked degree but in the UK uplands the conflict is severe and widespread .
2 In consequence , agriculture and nature conservation are not in conflict in the Auvergne uplands .
3 Latvia also declared a transitional period for negotiations on independence , as Estonia had done on March 30 [ see p. 37322 and below ] , but without rejecting the validity of the Soviet Constitution and laws , provided that they were not in conflict with Latvia 's laws and sovereign rights .
4 Provided that this interpretation seems reasonable in the context and provided that it is not in conflict with other possible interpretations suggested either by the mental model or the superficial representation , it is accepted without difficulty .
5 Long before this , however , the groundwork has been well laid for a sense of personal autonomy that is not in conflict with attitudes of dependency ( since assistance is simply to be expected and does not , as we have seen , entail subordination ) and that persists throughout life .
6 Research being carried out with an eye to the development of new theory … is not in conflict with basic conceptual frameworks or methodological allegiances in the field as a whole .
7 This theory is not in conflict with the Samuelson hypothesis , and both may be correct , that is to say , volatility is explained by a number of separate factors such as maturity and uncertainty resolution .
8 There was no maturity effect , but this finding is not in conflict with the Samuelson hypothesis because the test was conducted using transactions data .
9 It is not in conflict with my own doctrines .
10 When the linguistically correct interpretation of the elliptical clauses in the passages in this experiment was not in conflict with any other more plausible interpretation those clauses were understood comparatively easily .
11 They were bound by it so long as it was not in conflict with their statutory duty .
12 The steady state theory required a modification of general relativity to allow for the continual creation of matter , but the rate that was involved was so low ( about one particle per cubic kilometer per year ) that it was not in conflict with experiment .
13 ‘ What I like about Boadicea , ’ she says , ‘ is that she was n't in conflict with men ; she was fighting for her people , men and women , against an outside aggressor .
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