Example sentences of "be in [art] same room " in BNC.

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1 They 're in the same room .
2 ‘ The whole thing might not have ever got off the ground if Maxi Priest had n't been in the same room as them when I called up .
3 Little John Tomlins should have been in the same room .
4 I could have been in the same room with the murderer back at Livingstone Manor .
5 They did not pause on her arrival , though Alix , ever polite , waved obliquely to welcome her back : watching them , it occurred to Liz that perhaps in all the years they had all known one another , this was one of the very few occasions on which they had all been in the same room .
6 She parted her lips to tell him about Dana , then closed them again as a desperate plea from her twin made itself known as clearly as if Dana had been in the same room .
7 She groaned and turned over , hoping she would fall asleep again , but her brain insisted on relaying pictures of her twin , so vividly that Dana could have been in the same room .
8 Version 5 however , is expected to include a facility to ‘ knit from the screen ’ , so if your computer and knitting machine are in the same room , you may find this more convenient than printing on to paper .
9 Not only is the one space the inevitable extension of the other , but as often as not these days , the kitchen and dining areas are in the same room anyway .
10 I know he 's been through a lot , I know you 're fond of him , but he and Sam should n't be in the same room together just now . ’
11 ‘ I hear things are so bad between the prince and princess , they ca n't even bear to be in the same room as one another , ’ said an estate worker .
12 According to author Dr Eve Roman , ‘ it made no difference whether a woman worked on a VDU as part of her general day , whether she just used it occasionally or whether her only contact with a VDU was that it happened to be in the same room ’ .
13 Both my parents smoke , and my sister smokes and I ca n't any longer be in the same room as them !
14 ‘ Only Howard Baker could manage to be in the same room as God and not to notice him ! ’ cries Rayner Keat .
15 How could she tell him that , while women all over the country would do just about anything even to be in the same room as him , she , Shannon Lea , did n't want to touch him ?
16 Here she was , all alone in the wildly romantic snow-covered Scottish mountains with a man most women would give their eye-teeth simply to be in the same room with , and her only wish was to get away from him .
17 I was a member of his party , one of his retinue , and when the great Henry lashed out it was dangerous even to be in the same room as the king 's enemy .
18 Because he only had to be in the same room for her nervous system to run haywire , and she could only take so much punishment .
19 ‘ So long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ he snarled , and , as if he could no longer bear to be in the same room with her , he turned and strode from her sitting-room , through her hall , and out of her flat .
20 But to sit here , like one of the effeminate fools smirking over there or , worse still , like Antonini and Ferrante and the others he 'd spotted , who boasted of the conquests they made of the long-legged girls who dreamed of jewels and furs and sold themselves so easily — to sit here , to even be in the same room with such men , made him feel filthy .
21 She gently reminded me that on being in the same room as a baby , the same borough , I became about as relaxed and spontaneous as any old member of the royal family being introduced to Lech Walesa .
22 Aware that she was causing David a deal of agony just being in the same room as Luther , Beth turned to him now , saying with some tenderness , ‘ And you , David ?
23 Mr Heathcliff ca n't bear being in the same room as him ! ’
24 ‘ That is , if you do n't mind being in the same room as me for a few minutes ? ’
25 He had managed to strip her of all her protective layers , and just being in the same room as him made her feel vulnerable and helpless .
26 He was dangerous to her , a predator who threatened her nervous system merely by being in the same room .
27 Just being in the same room as him sent shivers of something down her spine that up to now she had never experienced .
28 Just being in the same room with him was an exquisite torment .
29 and coming to dinner with me every evening , being in the same room , walking to lessons with her , it fucks me off like hell , she 's really getting on my wick , you know ?
30 They were thrilled when they suddenly realized that not only had Tom Mix and Gloria Swanson been in the audience on opening night but were in the same room with them at the party afterwards .
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