Example sentences of "be make on the basis " in BNC.

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1 At the very minimum they must have been made on the basis of a police guarantee that matters would be manipulated so that courts would not impose additional punishment for the illusory offences .
2 The exercise has been a process of ‘ informed peer review ’ in which ratings have been made on the basis of the judgements of experts , most of whom are university academic staff .
3 The diagnosis of Crohn 's disease or ulcerative colitis had previously been made on the basis of repeated colonoscopy , histological tests , and contrast radiography , and all specimens showed histological evidence of inflammation .
4 The amendments have been made on the basis of recommendations by the Nature Conservancy Council in its first five-yearly review of UK species under the auspices of the Act , carried out in 1986 .
5 If budget allocations for regions and districts are made on the basis of continuing existing spending patterns , this need will be overlooked , as most authorities do not have adequate provision for post-hospital care for elderly people .
6 A spokeswoman for the bank said : ‘ You have to remember that the rankings are made on the basis of value of bids , which are all down to BAT .
7 We need to check whether our decisions are made on the basis of making our resources available to others and sharing theirs wherever possible before we strike out independently .
8 Decisions are made on the basis of evidence , but they may be reversed .
9 The suggestions that are made on the basis of the analysis may not suit everyone 's palate .
10 If managerial decisions are made on the basis of some logic implicit in the technology itself , or in its cost structure , then forecasts can be made with some confidence .
11 In his approach , selection of neighbourhoods from a lexicon for search are made on the basis of gross visual similarity .
12 Hard cases test the ‘ rules of recognition ’ and , in the absence of explicit guidance , impossible for every contingency , judgements are made on the basis of prevailing feelings about ‘ justice or fairness or some other dimension of morality ’ ( 1977 : 22 ) .
13 These assertions are made on the basis of research in modern ethology , and the arguments will not be discussed in any detail as they belong to a different universe of discourse from that of psychoanalysis and sociology .
14 Thus , the results are very impressive : there is obviously a regular pattern in them , and as they are accountable to observed data , they are much more persuasive than categorical statements about language that are made on the basis of introspection alone .
15 The main decisions about manufacturing processes are made on the basis of shape , operations to be performed and batch size .
16 In particular , we have seen how the law can structure the decision-making process by insisting that decisions are made on the basis of a proper appreciation of the facts and by persons who are appropriately qualified .
17 There are certainly a number of obvious difficulties which need to be acknowledged ; first of all , some groups are extremely small , and where divisions are made on the basis of two speaker variables ( such as social class and sex ) it may seem a little unreal to label the persons who fall into one of the resulting categories as something along the lines of ‘ the upper-middle-class female group ’ .
18 If , however , adjustments are made on the basis of political bargaining within the officer and councillor structure , the consequences of external pressure on budgets may be unpredictable and result neither in overall cuts in spending nor in the hoped for shifts between budget heads .
19 The assessments of these probabilities are made on the basis of what is known about the additional research , or the consultant , in relation to the unknowns in the project ( Moore and Thomas , 1979 ) .
20 The assessments of these probabilities are made on the basis of what is known about the additional research , or the consultant , in relation to the unknowns in the project ( Moore and Thomas , 1979 ) .
21 Interviews play no part in the selection procedure for the majority of the faculties at Edinburgh ; decisions are made on the basis of the information submitted on the UCAS form .
22 ‘ All appointments like this are made on the basis of aptitude and merit , ’ a spokesman said .
23 Whether or not to select a model with sloping sides or vertical ones should be made on the basis of the types of crops you intend to grow .
24 Too much expenditure is involved for decisions to be made on the basis of the influence or favour of suppliers ' representatives .
25 In principle , the allocation must be made on the basis of relative priority .
26 However , decisions should be made on the basis of a structured analysis of candidates ' qualities .
27 The decision of whether to prescribe an antidepressant should be made on the basis of whether the patient shows ‘ biological ’ features of depression which predict a good response ( e.g. early morning wakening , diurnal mood variation , and weight loss due to impaired appetite ) ; whether , in the case of severe depression , one can afford to wait for the delayed response of an antidepressant ; and the extent to which environmental factors seem largely to explain the symptoms .
28 Quite apart from questions of competition policy , takeovers themselves must be the subject of rules , to ensure that investment decisions can be made on the basis of transparent markets and reliable information .
29 This calculation will be made on the basis of a broadly equivalent comparable house , that is , one which would broadly provide the same accommodation , due allowance being made for the location , for example , urban versus rural and which is in a location of broadly equivalent quality .
30 Sometimes a case will be made on the basis of what is known to happen abroad for the actual transfer or importation into a country of particular industrial relations methods or techniques .
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