Example sentences of "be [to-vb] the idea that " in BNC.

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1 If the courts were to develop the idea that all errors of law are jurisdictional , defined the word law in a purely analytical way so that it embraced any , or almost any application of a statutory term and substituted judgment on the meaning of that term , then a prospective applicant would be clear that the courts would intervene using that standard .
2 The point of introducing this distinction between determination in the last instance and the structure in dominance is to combine the idea that the practices of which society is made up are mutually determining with the ultimate dominance of the economy .
3 Answer guide : The intention here is to reinforce the idea that costs of one period may be expenses of another period .
4 While such a statement has concern for a woman in her cultural context in India , to use it as a means of evoking emotive reaction to persuade people to give money in this country is to perpetuate the idea that a woman is not an independent human being and has to be sustained by a man , and that men only want ‘ pure , untouched , unviolated ’ women .
5 One aim is to dismiss the idea that animals have no souls
6 The effect was to create the idea that either the wall did not exist or , if it did , it was of no possible significance .
7 A common defence , and one for which Robert Boyle is prominent , was to develop the idea that , since the natural world is God 's creation , the study of it leads towards , not away from , things spiritual .
8 His second point was to discredit the idea that environmental pollution may be caused by the release of formaldehyde , used during embalming , from the decomposing body after interment .
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