Example sentences of "be [to-vb] attention [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the greatest contribution which our primary schools have made to education since the war has been to focus attention upon the child as a whole , unique human being .
2 Edward Topsel , the English naturalist , writing in 1658 stipulated that , to cure blindness , or pains in the eye : ‘ Take the head of a black Cat , which hath not a spot of another colour in it , and burn it to powder in an earthen pot leaded or glazed within , then take this powder and through a quill blow it thrice a day into the eye ’ — the italics were not used in the original , but are to draw attention to the crucial quality of the black cat who is about to lose his head .
3 One advantage of that approach would be to direct attention to the particular source of danger , thus labelling the offence in a way which both describes the circumstances of the offence and serves an educative or even deterrent purpose .
4 They argue that the differential in living standards between the two groups is minimal and to see this as social mobility is to detract attention from the important fact that they are all part of the large urban poor whose poverty is due to the wider social formation and , in particular , the capitalist mode of production .
5 The Bentley Mulsanne — this was an inspiration of the Secretary 's to distract attention from the noises off — had come nosing its way from behind the South Stand .
6 So in this sense the approach is a pragmatic one , which bears on the here and now rather than on eternity.i At the same time , to formulate the problem in terms of interests , as I have done , is to focus attention on the moral priorities embedded in holism and individualism .
7 A supplementary approach to school art instruction is to draw attention to the types of subject in art , such as portraiture , narrative , landscape .
8 The point of introducing these ideas here is to draw attention to the radical analysis which suggests that management may use rules and procedures , and other more complex organisational arrangements such as product groups or even matrix organisational structures , not just because they may be a more efficient means of co-ordination but because they are necessary if capital is to control recalcitrant labour .
9 The principal aim of this event — which features paintings by Poussin , Lely , Gainsborough , Canaletto , Dujardin , Murillo and Tiepolo — is to draw attention to the current financial plight of the Gallery , which houses one of London 's finest collections of Old Master paintings .
10 All we can do here is to draw attention to the existing divorce , and to suggest measures that may lead to reunion .
11 To focus upon the processes of characterization is to draw attention to the definition of act or event , and interaction between potential deviant and enforcement agent .
12 The purpose of this thought experiment is to draw attention to the fact that a number of pragmatic phenomena can be explicated by reference to just these sorts of features : for example , as we shall see , deixis can be thought of as based on the assumption of mutual orientation , presupposition on the assumption of shared knowledge of a domain and its updating , speech acts on the making explicit , for other participants , of one 's interactional goals , conversational implicature on the assumption of interactional co-operation , and so on .
13 The reason they do this is to divert attention from the real problem — the crisis of capitalism manifested in economic failure and unrest ( see , for example , Hall et al. , 1978 , on mugging ) .
14 Given that the object of the exercise was to focus attention on the linguistic devices which bind the story together , the first step was to dismantle the text entirely .
15 The object of the first chapter was to draw attention to the basic oddity of the stratigraphical record in that particular facies were remarkably widespread during particular periods of geological time .
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