Example sentences of "be [v-ing] around for a " in BNC.

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1 Well it maybe , you see I 've had this , this has been hanging around for a month
2 Mr Gregory could be looking around for a job at the moment . ’
3 ‘ Will you be staying around for a while , or going straight back to bonny Scotland ? ’
4 We use this way in to stop people stealing what gear we have.Andy has been scratching around for a regular roof over his head for a year , ever since he lost his job and his home burned down in a fire .
5 And Ben like when we were sort of there Ben sort of we 'd been sitting around for a while and he said it 's very embarrassing to have to ask this but you 're staying the night and stuff erm are you two a couple or are you just friends so no , just friends but it 's alright , if you do n't have any spare rooms we 'll be perfectly happy to sleep together , do n't worry .
6 ‘ When we were looking around for a royal to open the centre , we were promised as soon as someone was available for a royal visit , we would get one , ’ said Peter Carberry , chairman of Darlington Mind .
7 She and Hattie said they were coming around for a cup of tea .
8 The news when Rain reached the office was that Tavett was again being questioned by the police ; there were insistent rumours of a row between Maureen and Barron ; the freedom of speech people were muttering obscenities because their latest attempt at a cartoon had been rejected ; and the Patriotic Ten were casting around for a fresh mind to help them get their statement into publishable form .
9 He now firmly refutes suggestions that he is unhappy with the Yorkshire set-up and is looking around for a move to another county .
10 East Stand ) Neither of them are now at leeds , one is playing in the USA and the other is dossing around for a year ( so he says ) before trying to get in with a lower division club .
11 Up for re-election in 1952 , he was looking around for a cause that would be electorally popular , and found it in anti-communism .
12 At the door which led back on to the landing he was looking around for a prop or a wedge to pin it open when he thought of the parcel that he 'd been hugging since the zoo .
13 With IBM Corp 's stock in the cellar and as hopes dim it will ever again return as the flagship of the US stock market , The New York Times last Sunday 20th was searching around for a successor and came up with — you guessed it — Microsoft Corp .
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