Example sentences of "be [vb pp] for a particular " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of an audit mark or stamp on clients ' documents is twofold : it provides evidence that the document has been examined for a particular purpose ( which should be clear from the audit file ) ; and it helps to avoid the document 's being re-presented as support for a duplicate entry .
2 I HAVE been treated for a particular medical condition since childhood .
3 I HAVE been treated for a particular medical condition since childhood .
4 standing committees which are formed for a particular purpose on a permanent basis .
5 Of course , it should be remembered that s3 subjects the terms to which it applies to a test of reasonableness , and where individual terms have been varied for a particular customer ( situation ( a ) ) , or where the terms have been approved by a trade association ( situation ( b ) ) or negotiated between the parties ( situation ( e ) ) they are more likely to satisfy the test of reasonableness .
6 As an example of discourse analysis data , it has been selected for a particular purpose .
7 Most products are made for a particular customer or to a particular order .
8 Authority may be given for a particular exercise of the power or for its exercise generally ( a distinction of some importance in relation to pre-emptive rights ) and may be unconditional or subject to conditions .
9 The Prism encoder enables its output to be optimised for a particular target decoder design to maximise image quality at the lowest possible bit rate so that a video-on-demand service provider can minimise central disk storage and maximise use of the available system bandwidth .
10 As the science of the nineteenth century advanced in analytical skills , it became increasingly possible to tie down results to specific plants and the chemicals therein , until a pure chemical could be prescribed for a particular symptom .
11 Inevitably they will not suit every need , but in many cases they can be adapted , used as models or as a source of ideas for a teacher-produced worksheet , which can target particular objectives and be tailored for a particular age or ability range .
12 Thus , if the grant or demise be made for a particular purpose , the grantor or lessor comes under an obligation not to use the land retained by him in such a way as to render the land granted or demised unfit or materially less fit for the particular purpose for which the grant or demise was made …
13 ( 2 ) It is generally acceptable to state that an offer will not be made for a particular period of time .
14 A decision to leave what is to be done for a particular child … to the school is not itself , in my judgment , a determination of the special educational provision for the child … which would necessitate the making of a statement .
15 But there were Schonfeld supporters who came perilously close to arguing that , if Jewish children could not be saved for a particular sector of the faith , they were not worth saving at all .
16 The advantage of single records is that they can be stored in CKD format — with separate keys — and the track can be scanned for a particular record without having to read unwanted records into main storage .
17 The sale is of goods which , by the very description under which they are sold , appear to be sold for a particular purpose .
18 Debtor-creditor-supplier versus debtor-creditor : the first category involves the supplier in the transaction ( for instance , HP , trading checks , credit cards , shop accounts , and even personal loans where the money is to be used for a particular purchase and the supplier of that purchase is involved in the loan agreement ) ; the second does n't involve suppliers of potential or actual purchases in any way ( for instance , bank overdrafts , most personal loans ) .
19 The media department works closely with the planning and creative departments to determine which media should be used for a particular campaign , and then negotiates with the media owners to obtain the best possible positions and prices .
20 All the advantages would be lost if teachers decided , whether on grounds of convenience or of egalitarianism , that whole classes of students should be entered for a particular grade examination .
21 I 'm known for a particular dish : snails with nettle sauce .
22 Bank personal loan Similar to current account loan , but interest rate fixed at start , and even more likely to be earmarked for a particular purchase .
23 There is no limit on the number of volume sets which may be defined for a particular installation , as the number produced depends on the number of charge codes for which modules are to be hard copied and the number of modules to be hard copied for those charge codes .
24 Boundary setting is used frequently in a variety of situations : the age at which " primary " becomes " secondary " education ; the minimum height for entry into the police force ; the marks to be obtained for a particular grade level in an examination and so on .
25 The minimum and maximum periods for verification can only be determined for a particular installation .
26 The machine code can be assembled for a particular address by one program without any constraints as to its actual location in memory and saved using PROC_ save .
27 The predictions will thus not be accurate in the sense that the severeness of the symptoms can be predicted for a particular time , but they will be statistically accurate .
28 A well-designed communication structure can do much to minimize this by recognizing the fact that words do not have specific meanings until they are defined for a particular purpose .
29 Probably the first time that tsunami were blamed for a particular deposit was in Sir Edward Bailey 's brilliant exposition of the origin of the Upper Jurassic boulder beds in eastern Scotland , discussed in the last chapter .
30 You should therefore make as much effort as you would if you were being interviewed for a particular job .
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