Example sentences of "be [vb pp] for [art] period " in BNC.

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1 Such regions are designated for a period of five years and are specifically defined to be those areas ( NUTS Level II ) where per capita GDP in PPSs is less than 75 per cent of the Community average .
2 The results of Model Developments Ltd have been included for the period 1st April 1990 to the date of disposal of 1st January 1991 .
3 As regards any holidays which have already been booked for the period after 1 April 1993 these should be notified to your new supervisor to help avoid any problems occurring later in the year .
4 Since most theses are lent for a period of one month , it could be that most borrowers are able to digest the contents of theses within this period , but , due to the widespread availability of photocopiers , it is suspected that the regulations on thesis copying are frequently broken .
5 Other satellites , such as the European ERS-1 and the Canadian Radarsat , are scheduled for the period 1990–1995 and will provide radar imagery of the Earth for the monitoring of storms at sea and the tracking of iceberg movement in Arctic waters .
6 Kenneth Clarke , when Home Secretary , announced the establishment of secure training centres where young people aged up to fifteen years could be sentenced for a period of up to two years .
7 If so , the guarantee will be renegotiated for a period of two years and Harley will receive a royalty on sales of two per cent . ’
8 It did suggest that the principles of confidentiality should be preserved for a period of fifteen years instead of thirty , but that there should be no new machinery for enforcement since offenders would carry the risk of social and political sanctions , and , of course , if they came within the rubric of any existing legal restraint , such as the Official Secrets Act , they would run the risk of legal proceedings .
9 Is not the timing of that exercise particularly insensitive , and is there any reason why it should not be postponed for a period of , say , a week as a mark of respect to the crew of the Antares , all of whom perished when the vessel was sunk ?
10 b ) the bringing to a conclusion of any proceedings on the Bill which , under this Order , are to be brought to a conclusion after that time shall be postponed for a period equal to the duration of the proceedings on that Motion .
11 ( 4 ) If an allotted day is one to which a Motion for the adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 20 stands over from an earlier day , the bringing to a conclusion of any proceedings on the Bill which under this Order are to be brought to a conclusion on that day shall be postponed for a period equal to the duration of the proceedings on that Motion .
12 We 're having with effect from next Monday to reduce er our service to urgent cases only : accidents , emergency cases , those that need urgent medical care , they will be dealt with , but patients who are awaiting this type cases , for orthopaedics , gynaecology , general surgery er will have to be postponed for a period of about 5 weeks .
13 In other words , revenue should be shown for the period in which it is earned and not when it is paid .
14 A firm may also be restricted for a period from accepting certain types of new appointments without the committee 's consent .
15 Interest rates may be fixed for the period of the loan or , as is often the case , expressed as a percentage of the standard base rate ( such as the London inter-bank overnight rate ) .
16 When waves break it has been observed that a jet of water at the crest of the wave may move forward with twice the velocity of the wave as a whole , so that high pressures may be exerted for a period of a second or two on the cliff face .
17 When a student in receipt of grant aid transfers on educational grounds — on the recommendation of the University — to another designated course either at the same university or another institution , the grant will be continued for the period required to complete the new course , provided that the transfer takes place within 16 months of the date of the student 's registration on his/her initial course .
18 Mail messages may be retained for a period of time after initial inspection .
19 The recommendation before , therefore is that a second phase of the county experiment be implemented for a period of three months to six months , whichever is felt necessary , to allow the effects of
20 If the Policyholder has to pay ground rent in respect of his building , then this would also be covered for the period the building was uninhabitable .
21 It was announced that supplies of oranges would be available from local shops from April 24th and be reserved for a period of five days at the rate of one lb. per head to children only .
22 He proposed on June 22 that the four allies ' rights and responsibilities should be extended for a period of five years after unification , and that only then would Germany have the sovereign right to conclude international agreements such as a treaty of membership of NATO .
23 The rate of interest will be determined by Midland Life and will be paid for the period from the date of receipt of your money by Midland Life to the date it is returned to you .
24 All action to carry out the merger must be suspended for a period of three weeks from the date of its complete notification .
25 For this purpose suitable young men , it was sometimes proposed , might be attached for a period at the beginning of their careers to their country 's foreign ministry .
26 Amis 's Stanley and the Women drew blood , for a time , from feminist opinion , and is said to have been blocked for a period from entry into the United States ; and Salman Rushdie 's Satanic Verses ( 1988 ) forced its author , a Muslim-born Indian , into hiding in 1989 for its alleged blasphemy against the Prophet .
27 Thus , betas were calculated for the period 1926–31 and portfolios selected from these results ; then the returns were estimated for these portfolios using data from the period 1932 .
28 The only control open to the Secretary of State would be to prevent the property from being sold for a period .
29 Certainly , these designs were employed for a period of at least forty years , and their designers might not always have seen them in the same light .
30 Delegates to the district zemstva were elected for a period of three years by three categories of voter voting separately : landowners , property-owners in the towns , and delegates from the volosti .
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