Example sentences of "be [vb pp] in the final " in BNC.

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1 Organisations mentioned in the factsheet are listed in the final section .
2 The unchanging inevitabilities , bereavement and personal death , are recognized in the final two chapters .
3 In practice this seems to give a rather poor effect though , and this feature has not been included in the final unit .
4 If the position of the baby is important maybe the two babies in the intervention group who were not held below the introitus should not have been included in the final analysis .
5 The descriptions of these modules are included in the final section of this guide .
6 I fully accept that socialism is not just about productive investment and full employment , and questions of democratic enterprise organisation are considered in the final section of this chapter which is complementary to the foregoing .
7 Nonetheless an effort has been made in the final chapter to draw some conclusions about the contemporary impact of changes that have occurred .
8 This enables water that has been used in the final rinse for previous dishes to be boosted on the next batch to clear off detergents .
9 The repo rates are shown in the final column of Table 8.6 .
10 Among the structures which received attention at that meeting but which failed to be included in the final Charter was the creation of a pan-European Assembly .
11 The New Zealanders Grant Dalton and Peter Blake , skippers of Fisher & Paykel and Steinlager 2 , agree that the winner will be decided in the final miles .
12 The New Zealanders Grant Dalton and Peter Blake , skippers of Fisher & Paykel and Steinlager 2 , agree that the winner will be decided in the final miles .
13 Drama school productions are staged with an awareness of the kind of demands the profession will make , and students are naturally anxious to be seen in the final production by people who 're likely to offer them work .
14 The head , body and arms rise upwards and outwards in all the happy emotions as can be seen in the final dances of The Sleeping Beauty , La Fille Mal Gardée and Daphnis and Chloë .
15 The true face of the Hermetic philosopher was to be seen in the final picture of the Mutus Liber where the adept and his mystic sister raised their fingers to their lips in the gesture of the secret .
16 Copies of the initial draft of the report should be made available and time allowed for observations and objections to be made which could be incorporated in the final report .
17 Though this approach includes a formal technique to derive the model , other information gathered in the investigation phase can be incorporated in the final model so derived .
18 The researchers are reassessing the scales and they are likely to be replaced in the final version .
19 After three years , 10m of the bonds have been redeemed , leaving 25 per cent ( i.e. 10/40 ) of the remaining bonds to be redeemed in the following year and 75 per cent ( i.e.30/40 ) of the remaining bonds to be redeemed in the final year .
20 We believe clear guidance on this issue should be provided in the final PPG Note .
21 The history of North Tyneside CDP and what it did can be found in the final reports of the project itself ( North Tyneside CDP , 1977 , 1978 a , b and c ) and an account of CDP as a national exercise is given in Loney ( 1983 ) .
22 Support for that view is to be found in the final paragraph of article 13 :
23 ( Protection is not its only value , of course — others will be discussed in the final chapter ) .
24 The events in Beijing during early June 1989 may have changed this situation in a number of important ways , as will be discussed in the final chapter .
25 Moreover , the bare facts about costs , cuts and cash limits need to be seen in the context of the larger ideological debate on the role of welfare which will be discussed in the final chapter on problems of policy in the social services .
26 That , of course will be removed in the final version , which ought to make it faster still .
27 After breaking the ice last month he was desperately unlucky in an amateur riders ' race having to be switched in the final furlong after getting off on the rails .
28 This allows Figure 2.1 to rise up to a satisfying and unifying point , and has implications for the role of philosophy in the undergraduate curriculum which will be explored in the final chapter .
29 The latest opinion polls , published last weekend ( no polls are allowed to be published in the final week before an election ) , predict that the conservative alliance of the neo-Gaullist RPR party and the centre-right UDF party will win over 70 per cent of the 577 seats in the National Assembly .
30 No opinion polls are allowed to be published in the final week before an election in France .
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