Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [verb] a special " in BNC.

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1 After an experience like that , each new day you are granted has a special meaning .
2 Finally , there is the question of mother-daughter relationships , which are said to have a special quality and status which has ramifications across the whole of family life .
3 This applies both to standard reports that may be added to a report library to be called off on demand and to ad hoc reports that are produced to answer a special request .
4 The boot is also claimed to be designed to have a special ‘ braking tread ’ .
5 He called for Drogoul 's trial to be postponed to allow a special prosecutor ( independent counsel ) to be appointed to investigate the affair .
6 The Scottish Trades Union Congress is to be asked to convene a special meeting to discuss the case of the Timex workers in an attempt to raise the profile of the dispute .
7 Each microchip carries a unique code , which can be read using a special scanner which is passed over the area where the chip is implanted .
8 It 's certainly true that drugs are assumed to have a special , morbid logic of their own , rather than to be aspecific case of general patterns of human behaviour .
9 Clubs are asked to support a special appeal , organised by the Commonwealth Trust , by sending £20 to the Disaster Appeal which will qualify them for entry into a draw with many prizes — headed up by Cathay Pacific 's donation of two First Class London/Hong Kong round trips plus tickets for the 1993 Hong Kong Sevens — as well as tickets for just about every top sporting event to be staged next year in the British Isles — test cricket , rugby internationals , Open golf , Grand National , Formula One racing , and so on .
10 The rules of the national Union were changed to allow a special appeal to working-class and women voters .
11 It 's because of that interest , and those letters , that I 've been sent to do a special report . ’
12 Such a configuration has been achieved using a special wind-tunnel with graded heated elements and flow resistance grids at its entry .
13 Each area office is recognized to possess a special character which emanates from the personality and style of the area officer who presides over it .
14 The judicial authority executing the request applies its own laws and procedures , save where a request is made to follow a special method or procedure , which is not incompatible with the law of the State of execution or impossible of performance by reason of its internal practice and procedure or by reason of other practical difficulties .
15 It is applied using a special adhesive .
16 On this day the presenter is asked to create a special format , with music employed to amplify or illustrate the theme of the service .
17 Keith , 32 , is the NCOIC ( non-commissioned officer in charge ) of the dog squadron at RAF Northolt and as such , has learned what is required to make a special working partnership successful .
18 While working in public relations in America is highly respectable , in Britain somehow the idea that someone is paid to plead a special case or to be employed to persuade the public is thought " wrong " .
19 It is because certain groups are held to exemplify the working of these laws that their structural positions or social attributes are held to possess a special explanatory power , or to equip them with a special ‘ totalizing ’ consciousness .
20 Moreover there were certain branches of the governmental machine and certain aspects of policy on which the king was considered to have a special right to make his views heard .
21 The Pope 's itinerary of public engagements throughout the country was modified to include a special service in Tuxtla Gutierrez , the scene of an airline crash which killed the Bishop of Tapachula and 26 pilgrims on May 10 .
22 The estimated cost was £100 and it was decided to have a special gift day the following December .
23 Frank Hepburn , assistant to the director , said : ‘ Because of the sense of bereavement at this unprecedented loss , it was decided to have a special programme of memorial events which would act as a focus for remembering them and help raise funds for charities with which they were associated .
24 This would not have been the only occasion on which the notion of brotherhood was used to imply a special relationship with Rome ; the people of Autun , for instance , regarded themselves as being brothers of the Romans , as did the men of the Auvergne .
25 Trade Unions had become united in the Trades Unions Congress and at a meeting in 1899 , it was agreed to call a special conference on political representation of Labour , and that led to the foundation of the labour political party at the turn of the century .
26 More discussions : with Costume and Make-Up supervisors on the outfitting of the actors , with lighting experts who must disguise the limited dimensions of Lime Grove , and particularly with Sound Engineers , in this case with Ray Angel who was asked to devise a special voice for the Dalek aliens .
27 In between a full time job , writing articles , trying to write a book and moving house , I was asked to write a special for this Christmas edition based on the assembly of a ‘ dream tank .
28 Anyway erm I think we totally support the thrust of what you 're asking about and I was asked to make a special appeal to County Council to see whether they could assist with this recently established Rural Options Land Bank , the purpose of which is rather extraordinary , but I mean it is defined landowners who have a philanthropic bent to provide the land to do something about the very problem you 've raised .
29 A teacher , Philip Burton , a friend of Meredith Jones and Richard 's commanding officer in the ATC , was asked to keep a special eye on this extremely rough — diamond ?
30 The decision in Bell was held to be of doubtful validity in Maitland Ptr. , 1961 S.L.T. 384 , where a licensing court was directed to hold a special sitting after it had , per incuriam , failed to declare a provisional grant final .
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