Example sentences of "be [adv] brought [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The central issue which underlies the continuing pattern of human rights violations is that members of the armed forces are rarely brought to justice for the crimes they commit and therefore act with impunity .
2 Miller pointed out that ‘ Oranges , jesmines , capers , olives and pomegranites … are annually brought from Italy and , if skilfully managed , very few of them miscarry , notwithstanding they are many times three or four months out of the ground . ’
3 Current models of reading development assert that the child 's phonological knowledge and skills are only brought into play after an initial visual stage , and are involved in conscious decoding from print to sound .
4 Farm workers also gain intrinsic satisfaction from working with living and growing plants and animals and they share a sense of achievement when they are finally brought to maturity , the sequential nature of production allowing workers to be involved in all of the stages through to completion .
5 And , Your Feet 's Too Big.John 's problem plates of meat are finally brought to heel .
6 The heights of Best 's career are easily brought to mind the night he destroyed Benfica in the 1966 European Cup quarter-finals , the night in 1967 in Belfast when he was sent off after single-handedly dismantling a superior Scotland side , and of course the famous night in 1968 when he led Manchester United to a European Cup victory in extra time .
7 Jewry 's role in the revolutions of the 19th and 20th Centuries are also brought to light , from leading the 1798 French Revolution to the origins of Communism and the 1917 Russian Revolution , a revolution financed by New York 's Jewish-owned Wall Street Banks and led by imported American Jewish revolutionaries .
8 Let us clear the alternatives out of the way ; while they are often brought into discussions on the best methods of sharing knowledge with undergraduates , they have but limited scope , and there is no doubt that you must learn to handle lectures as the first step towards a fruitful co-operation with the staff at your college .
9 The Attorney General for England states that cases are often brought to trial which , from being imperfectly got up , break down , and thus cause the acquittal of guilty parties .
10 Evidence shows that people are often brought to Christ by membership of such a group .
11 Editors and journalists employed on journals published by these organisations are therefore at great financial risk , and should ensure that their contracts of employment indemnify them against costs and damages which may accrue from libel actions , which are often brought by opponents of their employer 's policies .
12 When demand and supply are in stable equilibrium , if any accident should move the scale of production from its equilibrium position , there will be instantly brought into play forces tending to push it back to that position ; just as , if a stone hanging by a string is displaced from its equilibrium position , the force of gravity will at once tend to bring it back to its equilibrium position .
13 Used carefully , however , over an extended period , Indian patronage could permit a politician to capitalise upon feelings of gratitude aroused by acts of seemingly disinterested friendship several years earlier , acts which would in fact be quietly brought to mind by a shrewd politician 's regular enquiries about the activities of his young friend in India .
14 Realistic recreations of past dark deeds are dramatically brought to life through tableaux , scenic effects and spectacular sound and lighting .
15 Set in a labyrinth of passages and secret chambers deep below ground , realistic recreation of past dark deeds are dramatically brought to life with scenic effects and spectacular sounds and lighting .
16 There is no doubt at all that where there are reductions er , particularly at the edge of our statutory responsibilities , this inevitably we know , generates more demands for support from central services , particularly legal , where we are then brought into dispute , and there are complaint machinery , and other processes brought into play .
17 When they were eventually brought to trial , the most revealing thing that came out was that thousands of women were seeking , by a variety of means , to terminate their pregnancies .
18 The Labour Party environmental spokesperson argued ( Evening Standard 9.8.89 ) that 800,000 tons of industrial waste were annually brought to Britain to be disposed of .
19 Innocent did not associate Philip with the murder , but relentlessly sought the true murderers who were finally brought to justice in Rome in April 1203 and sent to the Holy Land .
20 They were quickly brought under control , however , and the ‘ hooligan element ’ accused of inciting the ‘ riot ’ arrested .
21 During the eighteenth century the irregular Cossack hosts were gradually brought under control and absorbed into the regular army .
22 Charges of " complicity in genocide " were formally brought on Sept. 10 , 1990 .
23 The hatches were also brought into use in the 1939–1945 war .
24 Oriental rugs were probably brought into Spain by the Moorish invaders during the 11th and 12th centuries , but it was not until the 14th century that Italian merchants , trading with Anatolia ( Turkey ) and the Near East , introduced them into most of Europe .
25 They were originally brought to Britain by Northampton schoolmaster Gerald Smith .
26 They were originally brought to Britain by Northampton schoolmaster Gerald Smith .
27 Many cases are likewise brought into court , where , on account of the trivial nature of the offence imputed , or the deficiency of proof adduced , prosecutions are undesirable …
28 The role of natural selection in bringing about the gross changes in the evolution of animals is thus brought into question .
29 In one way the Chancellor is already brought into relation with the administration of justice , though not so as to enable him to modify the law at his pleasure .
30 ‘ What Tory back-benchers should be thinking about is the mass retribution that will come upon the Tory Party as people discover the full impact of this treaty if it is ever brought into effect .
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