Example sentences of "be [noun sg] [prep] face [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a few seconds time he might be face to face with the man who had killed Daniel .
2 She crawled along to it , and a moment later they were face to face through a large chink , Tristram grinning , his teeth white and his face sun-darkened , and the sight of him made her feel safe and loved again , as if she had arrived home .
3 She felt as if they were face to face with an inquisitor .
4 If a killer thinks , even if only for a split second , that it is face to face with an owl or an eagle , it is very likely to back away and this may give the harmless bluffer enough time to escape .
5 Your heroine makes a pointed remark , the mysterious man she is face to face with comes back with something yet sharper , more menacing .
6 Truth can not be confined to traditional religions , nor can any particular religion claim to have a monopoly of Truth , for where that kind of particularization of the Ultimate takes place , we are face to face with what Tillich calls demonization .
7 If we are face to face with the person sending the message , then we notice what they are doing with their face , eyes , and body while speaking : maybe they smiled , or shook their fist , or looked away .
8 He had known very little about himself until he was face to face with death .
9 Now for the first time she was face to face with fragmented suggestions of reality , distorted perhaps , like the sun glancing on water , but hinting at something very different from the fairy tale princess the child Harriet had claimed as her own .
10 And then I was face to face with the biggest , and ugliest lad ever .
11 Thus he persuaded himself when writing to Theo , but not when he was face to face with a spitting hell-cat who abused him vilely , telling him to stop messing about with his stupid painting , scraping and altering it until her nerves were in shreds .
12 For the first time in her life , Louisa had come into one of the dwellings of the Coketown Hands ; for the first time in her life , she was face to face with anything like individuality in connection with them .
13 Softly , so as not to wake him , she turned her long slim form until she was face to face with his sleeping figure .
14 He reached her , he was face to face with her , the press girl Annabel was plucking at his clinging black roll-neck 's sleeve gingerly , with her fingertips .
15 She was face to face with Benedict and Merlyn Joseph .
16 It was the largest I had ever seen , split up into walled units , ten of them Ward had said , and when I reached the western limit of it I was face to face with the heaving bulk of the ocean .
17 And now she was face to face with a man who really believed her grandmother was guilty .
18 I was face to face with
19 Their eyes met for the space of a long heartbeat , and despite the clean white bandage round the man 's forehead and the strip of plaster on one bruised cheek , Grant felt a surge of rage at the thought that he was face to face with the brutal oriental who had hurt Pam .
20 Now that she was face to face with Bridget , her mind was fully engaged in a debate as to how much she should tell her friend about events in Paris .
21 There he was face to face with himself — times six .
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