Example sentences of "be [not/n't] looking for a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am not looking for a ghost .
2 ‘ We are not looking for a leader , ’ Douglas Wilson from Burton said .
3 You are not looking for a fast drop in weight .
4 They are not looking for a tough fight but for a victim — someone who will cower or quake with fear like a doomed rabbit .
5 Like gangs , bullies are not looking for a stand-up fight , but for a victim ; the best way to beat them is to give more trouble than they can handle .
6 But the athletes are making an unprecedented demand for a slice of the lucrative financial action and Tom Jennings , the agent spearheading their case , countered : ‘ We are not looking for a militant takeover , just a share of the wealth .
7 Digital Equipment Corp says that its Alpha second source agreement with Mitsubishi Electric Corp is not an exclusive pact and that it is talking with other firms that may become second sources of the chip ; ‘ We are not looking for a large number of semiconductor partners , however we are having discussions with other semiconductor companies ; those relationships could happen at various levels , ’ — DEC may still seek other firms to design versions without the marketing that Mitsubishi is providing .
8 ‘ We 're not looking for a conflict .
9 Staff at Watford Gap say they 're not looking for a place in the annals of high cuisine , just to continue making their customers a nice cup of tea in the morning or a nice cup of tea with their tea .
10 No we 're not looking for an increase in our I five allocation .
11 This is , I , I 'm not looking for a
12 So I 'm not looking for a response to what he says at this stage .
13 not well enough to do that , so I 'm not looking for a job yet , she said your nerves are all
14 I 'm not looking for a Jag !
15 No I 'm not , I 'm not looking for a new penknife at all boy
16 You came into the chamber , you were not looking for an almost invisible line of thread running from your bed underneath the door .
17 We were we were not looking for an exception to policy E two we were looking for a policy which complements erm I five .
18 ‘ They were n't looking for a weapon .
19 That 's why I sympathise with Audrey and I feel sure she 's not looking for a new man .
20 He told himself he was not looking for a lover , but simply the opportunity to tell Resenence about the dream .
21 I was n't looking for a job because I had n't finished my training , but er a friend of mine has h her father is a G P in Loughton , and he erm was at a meeting with the senior partner of my practice , and they said do you know of anybody who 's interested in a partnership ?
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