Example sentences of "be [adv] cut [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She 's been terribly cut up about her brother .
2 Jack 's been so cut up about poor Charlie .
3 Losing Out has argued that , since 1979 , a minority of the population has been progressively cut off from other people on low income , let alone those on average or high incomes .
4 But these larger firms are already cutting down on the size of their student intake and , if the trend continues , will end up — as Grant Thornton has already done — recruiting and training only staff who are expected to make a career with the firm after qualifying .
5 Many of us are already cutting down on red meat , partly for health reasons but also because of , as Audrey Eyton explains ( see p.56 ) , the growing awareness that animals being farmed intensively are neither happy nor tasty .
6 All your enthusiasm vanishes ; not only have you not been able to ‘ do ’ it , but you are now convinced you are not cut out for mathematics teaching at all and none of your pupils could produce anything like that .
7 It has also helped write rules for community cable access and worked to ensure that the poor are not cut off from the benefits of new telephone technologies .
8 Have you decided you 're not cut out for a permanent relationship ?
9 The shoots are always cut off near the ground .
10 Hedging plants are usually cut back to half their height after planting to encourage bushiness , but some conifers are best left unpruned until they reach the desired height .
11 American publishers are noticeably cutting back on expensive art books with numerous colour illustrations .
12 When our unforgiveness cuts us off from our brother we are automatically cut off from God .
13 Ride are just going from strength to strength — one of the bands that are really cutting through at the moment .
14 Many employers are now cutting back on company cars .
15 In fact , that is allied to their one main fault : they are rather tender , do n't like exposed positions and can be badly cut about by cold winds .
16 If Balbinder was bussed to Cedars every day she would be effectively cut off from any real involvement in her children 's schooling , and from an important part of her own role within the community as the mother of a young child at the local school .
17 You know , I suspect I 'm not cut out for brothels .
18 Ee , I 'm not cut out to be a tragedy queen , ’ said Hilda .
19 ‘ I thought Jamie would be more cut up about Hugh Puddephat , ’ Edward said idly .
20 And besides , ’ she added with a touch of spite , ‘ I do n't think I 'm really cut out to be a member of your harem . ’
21 Drawing attention to paid visits back to the home country may help to reassure the family that they will not be completely cut off from relatives and friends .
22 As far as we knew , Frank had never been claimed and , having been quite cut off in Lebanon for a number of years before his kidnap , had less ‘ publicity ’ value than the other Yanks .
23 There were sometimes they , they came , if they 'd been in action and er , the people had actually found blood and parts of the uniforms in the air gunner 's compartment at the back , and the , the fella , the navigator u and bomb aimer used to be in the nose , they had n't got much of a chance if they came down in there because they were right cut off from the rest of the aircraft so , but it was virtually a suicide position in the nose of the Bostons .
24 It was decided to press ahead with Saturday 's show despite access to the main field being badly cut up by exhibitors ' vehicles having to be tractor- towed into position .
25 They wept on their last day of work : ‘ I felt terrible ’ ; ‘ it seemed as though you were suddenly cut off from life . ’
26 Heavy-eyed , yawning and bewildered men appeared in doorways , and were promptly cut down by the attackers .
27 Its attraction for visitors is enhanced by being temporarily cut off from the mainland by the tides .
28 By the nineteenth century , middle- and upper-class women were increasingly cut off from the world of production , while some working-class women regained a limited role in production outside the home .
29 His thoughts were abruptly cut off by a blinding flash of pain .
30 He 's badly cut up from the broken glass but he 's more or less in one piece . ’
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