Example sentences of "be [prep] the present time " in BNC.

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1 These media , which are for the present time state-owned , are therefore expected to devote a significant amount of air-time to the running of radio schools and the promotion of mass adult literacy education , as well as the study of other basic subjects .
2 These media , which are for the present time state-owned , are therefore expected to devote a significant amount of air-time to the running of radio schools and the promotion of mass adult literacy education , as well as the study of other basic subjects .
3 Many institutions of less than 150 , either free standing or in collaboration with others , have offered and will continue to offer a range of courses well matched to the needs of the student population as they are at the present time .
4 It was then widely believed that the universe was static , yet if space , and particularly time , were curved back on themselves , how could the universe continue forever in more or less the same state as it is at the present time ?
5 In Britain , for example , there is at the present time a vigorous controversy about the introduction of proportional representation , stoutly resisted by the two main parties , but supported by a growing part of the population who have become increasingly dissatisfied with the existing system , which produces a gross discrepancy between the votes cast for various parties and their representation in parliament , and results in practice in a form of minority government .
6 There is at the present time a park and ride facility on the south western side of York er on the er Tadcaster Road and er another one is being proposed on the eastern side at Grimston Bar adjacent to the A sixty f Excuse me , A sixty four trunk road .
7 L some of that land is at the present time is used for the golf course , there was an impact of all those routes on on the golf course .
8 It is , it is , yes , is it , it is at the present time , but it is it is growing .
9 Our budget er is at the present time overspent er something of the order of £70,000 , and we 're required by the Health Authority and by government , er to manage within our existing cash limited budget .
10 Those observations were applicable to the present case : the appellant was at the present time a dangerous young man for whom a determinate sentence was not appropriate .
11 Erm , I ca n't remember the exact conversation but the basics of it were that we were looking for somebody called Lawrence and he was at the present time at erm and that he was in possession of a gun and that the caller was concerned for the safety of the occupants of those premises .
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