Example sentences of "be [prep] the same field " in BNC.

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1 With × 7 , the Pointers are in the same field .
2 With × 8.5 , the three are in the same field .
3 Delta and Epsilon are in the same field with Zeta ( 5.3 ) , which is one of a pair of faint stars .
4 All the stars of the pattern are in the same field with × 12 or lower .
5 With × 7 , all four stars in the Dragon 's head are in the same field .
6 They are in the same field with Theta ; both are spirals , though of course their forms are not visible with binoculars or small telescopes .
7 It makes a triangle with Beta and 16 Libræ ( 4.5 ) ; using × 7 , Delta and Beta are in the same field , but Beta and 16 are not .
8 These three are in the same field , and make up a triangle .
9 Using × 12 , the three are in the same field together with Upsilon ( 5.7 ) .
10 Dubhe and Merak are the Pointers to the Pole Star , and are in the same field with magnifications up to × 12 .
11 Delta is of spectral type M ; the colour is obvious with binoculars , and with × 7 Delta and Gamma are in the same field .
12 Jay had no inclination to go through the who are you , what do you do , oh really , gosh my brother-in-law used to be in the same field .
13 ‘ I would n't say they were in the same field , ’ he says dryly .
14 With × 7 , this triangle is in the same field with Alpha .
15 Using × 7 , Rho is in the same field as Sigma ( 4.5 ) which is of type F , but in which I can see no colour at all .
16 It is in the same field as the star 41 Capricorni ( 5.5 ) and is close to the limit of visibility with binoculars ; I have never seen it clearly without a telescope .
17 ( With × 12 , the cluster is in the same field with p and q . )
18 Using × 7 , Iota is in the same field with g ( 4.3 , orange ) , l ( a Cepheid , with a range of from 3.4 to 4.8 and the unusually long period , for a Cepheid , of 35 days ) , R ( a Mira variable , with a range of from 4 to 10 and therefore easy with binoculars for part of its 309-day period ) and the red N Velorum ( 3.1 ) .
19 A different kind of cluster , NGC 3766 , is in the same field as Lambda , and just in the × 7 field with Alpha Crucis .
20 Theta ( 4.3 ) is in the same field with Alpha ( 4.1 ) , making up what looks like a wide pair ; Alpha is white , Theta decidedly orange .
21 The globular cluster M53 is in the same field as Alpha .
22 Delta is in the same field with Eta ( 4.3 ) .
23 The intensely red Mira variable U Cygni is in the same field with 32 .
24 Delta is of type K , and with × 7 or higher magnification is very clearly orange ; it is in the same field as Pi ( 4.4 ) which is a red star of class M. Epsilon ( 3.7 ) is one of the very closest stars , at 10.7 light-years .
25 With × 7 , Zeta is in the same field as Delta and Lambda , and this makes comparisons easier even though Zeta is always visible with the naked eye under even reasonable conditions of seeing .
26 M79 is in the same field with 41 , and against a dark sky there should be no real problem in locating it , though under moonlight conditions I can not see it without a telescope .
27 Using × 20 , M56 is in the same field as 2 , and with × 12 the cluster , 2 , and Beta Cygni are all included .
28 With × 7 or × 8.5 , M42 is in the same field as the Belt , making up a spectacle which to me seems unrivalled in the whole of the sky .
29 The red semi-regular variable W Orionis is in the same field with Pi&sup6 ; ( 4.5 ) — the southernmost member of a line of stars all of which , for some illogical reason , are lettered Pi .
30 It is in the same field with Sigma .
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