Example sentences of "be [verb] to believe that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only if the Westminster Government and its back-benchers are made to believe that this continuing insult to a noble and valuable aspect of Scotland 's heritage will cost them crucial votes will they even begin to take serious notice .
2 From my recent discussions with Chris Harris in the European Liaison Unit I am lead to believe that private sector investment in qualifying projects is eligible for grant assistance from the EC , but that the grant can not be paid to a private sector company direct .
3 If the subordinate members of society can be persuaded to believe that those who dominate have a right to do so , and that those who have great material advantage have a right to it , then they are very unlikely to challenge or threaten the privileged .
4 If a senior officer were to be viewed as no more than a member of an amorphous managerial team , said Mr Roach , the public would be led to believe that any complaint against a policemen was merely being investigated by ‘ one of the boys .
5 Sturt was about to proceed upon a new expedition into the interior of Australia I beg to send for your perusal a Letter I have lately received from him and from which you will perceive that he has written to Lord Stanley ; as I know no one better fitted for such a purpose than this enterprising and persevering Gentleman I do hope the Government may be disposed to second his views ; perhaps , your Lordship , could obtain and favour me with some information on the subject ; from the manner in which you referred to him in your Letter I am led to believe that some arrangement has already been made ; pray say if such be the case .
6 Even the Leader of the Opposition is on record as saying that the rating system is the unfairest of taxes , yet we are led to believe that that is what the Labour party proposes .
7 If we are asked to believe that all human life is given by God , then what about animal life ?
8 In both cases they have been led to believe that true faith is doubt-free and that doubt is the same thing ( and just as sinful ) as unbelief .
9 Although most educated men were predisposed to believe that white-skinned , richly clothed Europeans like themselves must belong to a species altogether different from that of the dark-skinned , naked savages described by the traveller-ethnographers , there was the awkward fact that the book of Genesis declares that the whole of mankind is descended from Noah .
10 The sometimes insensitive and arbitrary methods employed in carrying out the regrading exercise has aroused scorn , derision and even despair from those who were led to believe that substantial pay increases were to be honoured at last .
11 But I mean , were led to believe that some of the people that you see sitting on the streets of Edinburgh begging are actually making a good living out of it !
12 They were encouraged to believe that external agents would tackle the problem of a territorial settlement .
13 If he did want to mount an exhibition of his work — and she was starting to believe that that too had been a lie , just part of some overall strategy — then he 'd have to find someone else to organise it .
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