Example sentences of "be [verb] to carry [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 It had not originally been intended to carry on the research after that date , but it was so successful that finding was obtained to set up a panel study .
2 We term this the level of computer architecture , at which a set of logically integrated hardware functions are programmed to carry out the processing of data .
3 The design we are going to talk about is a DIY design in that , apart from a 555 timer and 4001 NOR gate chip , discretes are used to carry out the various circuit operations and the system is capable of being modified for those who like a starting point and then like to experiment .
4 Over 300 staff have been employed to carry out the service led by General Manager , Edward Clarkin and CCG have opened a new Scarborough Office .
5 This option requires the name of the package , the name of the LIFESPAN user to be designated to carry out the approval , and the date by which the approval decision is required .
6 Gordon MacGregor , of Inverness , said he did not believe the unit would be re-opened to carry out the function conference wanted .
7 After years of assuring everyone that China could be trusted to carry out the 1984 British-Chinese agreement on Hong Kong in good faith , the colonial administration found itself after Tiananmen Square presiding over a population which knew that China could not be trusted at all .
8 In smaller seasonal or residential hotels all the office work could be centralised in the reception office , and during the quiet period on the front desk the receptionist would be expected to carry out the task of maintaining accounting and other records .
9 It seems , however , that your leitmotiv is that no doctor could be expected to carry out the multifacetted role that doctors ‘ helping the police with their enquiries ’ have to perform , that they can not do so with their usual amount of skill , and that they can not carry out some of the more sensitive tasks without bias or being influenced by their paymasters — the police .
10 These photographs will then be used to carry out the studies involved in the research ;
11 Particular institutions were to be authorized to carry out the ‘ main validation procedures ’ leading to the Council 's approval of courses in their ‘ well established subject areas ’ , with their freedom to organize their affairs in this way being subject to a quinquennial review :
12 In appropriate cases a commissioner from the Requesting State might be appointed to carry out the special method or procedure requested , e.g. , to overcome the difficulty which a civil law State may have in satisfying a Request from a common law State to take evidence under cross examination , because no judge or local lawyer in the requested State had any experience in that field .
13 Stand-by or supply teachers are needed if community language teachers are to be released to carry out the necessary development work .
14 The reason for this is that women are forced to carry on the main productive activity by themselves because of their subjection .
15 The lay judges , like Stanhope and Stirling , on the other hand , must have been well aware of the realities of the situation , and that there was little chance of the prize-winners being commissioned to carry out the work .
16 The Supreme Soviet also resolved that the President , Boris Yeltsin , should remove from office ministers who were failing to carry out the decisions of the republic 's legislative bodies .
17 Community groups are now being trained to carry on the work started by AREPP .
18 Such a girl is being asked to behave in many ways like an adult ( mother ) in that she is being asked to carry out the nurturing and supervisory procedures which properly belong to adulthood and , traditionally , to motherhood in particular .
19 Self-evidently he does not go out and list them himself , and very early on historic building investigators were appointed to carry out the task and guidelines for listing drawn up .
20 Comparatively large ‘ irregular forces ’ were earmarked to carry out the raids , which would be commanded by Hazelden for Tobruk and Stirling for Benghazi .
21 In defining these limits , Christians are trying to carry out the pattern laid down by God , who created our sexuality .
22 5 Airborne Brigade has been tasked to carry out the mission , as the Army 's only dedicated force earmarked for operations outside the NATO area .
23 A matrix is not a simple scalar quantity like 2 or 8 and a special technique is needed to carry out the operation of raising a matrix to the power n .
24 The subject is under strong social pressure to go along with the hypnotist ; he has agreed in good faith to be hypnotised , after all , and is determined to carry out the hypnotist 's suggestions .
25 2.9 If on one or more occasion the carrying out of the Works is delayed in consequence of any circumstance beyond the control of the Landlord which the Landlord could not [ reasonably ] have prevented or avoided then on each such occasion the Landlord shall be allowed such extension of time for carrying out the Works as may be certified by the Architect as being reasonable having regard to the delay in question and the date by which the Landlord is required to carry out the Works as provided in clause 2.8 shall be postponed accordingly The problem here is the uncertainty from the tenant 's point of view , hence the suggestion that there be inserted a long stop date ( see clause 2.8 ) .
26 What the legal force and effect of any such directive might be is uncertain ; it is unclear whether health care staff are required to carry out the terms of the directive or whether those who act in good faith with the terms of the directive are immune from civil or criminal prosecution .
27 Alfio Del Serra has been chosen to carry out the restoration .
28 " After some discussion it was arranged to carry on the Winter Meetings fortnightly as last year .
29 Two other modifications to the description resulted which were entered into LIFESPAN , and it was decided to carry out the quality approval .
30 To minimise any impact on the hotel operation during the modernisation of the lifts , it was decided to carry out the work on a lift by lift basis , with each lift being modernised within a 16 week period .
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