Example sentences of "be [verb] towards the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Further details about the effect of temperature on time periods are given towards the end of the article .
2 The movie loop of this sequence showed a reducing volume of fluid in the stomach when compared with Figure 1A and alos , as in Figure 1B ‘ swirls ’ of activity are apparent , especially in the fundic region , denoting considerable movement of fluid and eddy currents as the contents are propelled towards the pylorus and on into the duodenum .
3 Thus it is pointed out that support for microelectronics has been biased towards the south of the country , and it is argued that emphasis on a division between sunrise and sunset , on finance at the expense of manufacturing , on entrepreneurship and new firms as opposed to restructuring existing industries , will all encourage the confinement of the fifth wave of economic growth to a few small areas of the country .
4 As Henige ( 1982 ) points out , there has been a tendency to use such informants to the exclusion of others , with the result that data are biased towards the experience of a small number of individuals .
5 We thank you for those in Exeter who have granted permission for the work that has been done on this church building , and for the help that has been given towards the planning of the new building .
6 A £10,000 grant has been given towards the restoration of the Donkey Road alongside the town 's famous 199 Church Stairs , and £6,000 to protect archaeological remains on the plain alongside the Abbey .
7 ‘ Secondly , there is no doubt that Rentokil has pioneered , and is pioneering , new services that are contributing towards the environment in which we all live and work .
8 The committee 's full recommendations are expected towards the end of this year or early 1990 .
9 They are attracted towards the sea where there is more sunshine and pleasant housing and public gardens .
10 E. Generally people are attracted towards the south of Britain , but locally they are attracted towards the towns .
11 E. Generally people are attracted towards the south of Britain , but locally they are attracted towards the towns .
12 The Premier League , rather than seek one major sponsor , have been looking towards the World Cup/European Championship idea of group backers who could contribute around £25m a year .
13 Oisin had drawn breath to respond to this , when Eogan , who had been looking towards the forest , suddenly said , ‘ What 's that ? ’
14 Within the control interval the remaining records are moved towards the start of the control interval , which requires their RBAs to be altered and avoids fragmentation of the free space in the control interval .
15 In those countries with subtropical climates and winter rainfall such as parts of southern Australia , South West Africa and some regions of Argentina , Chile and Brazil , the increase in L3 population occurs during the winter and outbreaks of Type I disease are seen towards the end of the winter period .
16 This was on-the-edge black comedy that dispelled any vestige of condescension that might have been felt towards the performers .
17 Some researchers suggest that this environmental scanning process might best be achieved by developing especially organised environmental scanning units that are positioned towards the top of an organisation 's hierarchy .
18 ‘ These things take time to trickle down to the buyer but we are looking towards the Spring to see a recovery in our trade . ’
19 I see that behind the bluff little moustache and the liquid , fish-liver eyes — in my photograph the eyes are turned towards the prince of Wales ( himself a rather ghostly figure under a solar helmet ) — shelters another presence .
20 Great advances have already been made towards the achievement of a Europe without internal frontiers on the target date of 31 December 1992 , but even that date will not signal the end of the road for three reasons :
21 And an allocation of £800,000 has recently been made towards the cost of providing a 40-bed unit for the elderly at Aberdare general hospital .
22 This has been the case in the past 30 years , and for those on low wages it has meant a relatively lower contribution has been made towards the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme .
23 The first quarter deficit had been about 80,000 million roubles , although January and February had shown a 12,200 million rouble surplus , as concessions on social spending and tax cuts had been made towards the end of the first quarter .
24 Apart from perhaps the use of story grammars [ Mandler & johnson , 1977 ] and the concept of macrostructure formation [ Kintsch & van Dijk , 1983 ] , very little progress has been made towards the implementation of discourse rules in NLP systems .
25 Important steps have been made towards the confirmation of commerciality of the Tempa Rossa oil field in southern Italy .
26 Since then , events have moved on and despite the media losing interest in the proceedings , progress has been made towards the draft legislation being amended to include snack foods in the list of permitted categories .
27 The back of the canvas chair had been turned towards the town , and in the gloom it was not immediately apparent that someone was sitting in it .
28 I welcome the cautious approach that has been adopted towards the Maastricht negotiations .
29 So if you , I mean , to go back to our initial proposition , whilst on the face of it it seems curious that in the area in south China where one would expect land reform to be easiest to achieve the communists adopt a much more moderate , slower , cautious policy but for a whole variety of reasons we , we 're , we 're tending towards the view that that would be the most appropriate anyway .
30 I du n no I mean I 'll mention it to the deputy again and say look we 're getting towards the end of a financial year , there will be some departments underspent because er suppliers ca n't meet deadlines and really you should keep in mind that w we have n't got er we ca n't just pluck five thousand pounds out of our budget .
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