Example sentences of "be [verb] at different times " in BNC.

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1 The equivalent life therefore takes into account the fact that the redemption payments are received at different times .
2 Nor need this group have been composed of the same households throughout : as the fortunes of different employments fluctuated so different groups could have been included at different times .
3 Since then , various parts have been occupied at different times by a multitude of smaller firms .
4 In considering the case of B Ltd , he stated that it was easier to conclude that the mezzanine platforms were plant as the four platforms had been installed at different times , covered only 60% of the floor area and one had actually been dismantled .
5 As a result of acquiring writing ‘ one can compare side by side utterances that have been made at different times and places ’ ( 1977 , pp. 11 — 12 ) .
6 In this conversation several first generation speakers are present , and both British English and Creole are used at different times .
7 In some cases the overlay will not be completely accurate as the different maps may have been produced at different times by different teams of surveyors .
8 Walnut , beech and deal have also been used at different times .
9 These would probably have been deposited at different times , and the detailed examination of their contents will , in theory , reveal a progression of different parts of a coinage ; if one or more of these parts can be attached to an absolute date , it should be possible to estimate a date for the other parts in the progression or sequence .
10 In recent years , however , there has been a move towards more intensive farming : altering the lambing season so they are born at different times of the year ; bringing lambs indoors and using special feed to make them grow bigger .
11 This may lead to confusion so unless it is critical to maximise the use of an operator it is recommended that the offline runs are scheduled at different times .
12 Isolation , rejection , dishonour and disrespect might be expected at different times .
13 The intercutting of parallel actions — which can be shot at different times and in different places — can all be done at the editing stage , and you are free to try your hand at risky shots safe in the knowledge that any failures can be edited out later .
14 The family goes foraging as a group within a large home range and establishes a variety of bases for refuges which seem to be used at different times of the year .
15 A particularly puzzling aspect of the ammonoids is a great resemblance between external shell features that can be produced at different times by otherwise unrelated ammonoids .
16 The fiction may be spoken at different times by characters such as " Chaucer " , the Miller and the Reeve .
17 In the larger clinics the two may run concurrently , in the smaller they may be held at different times during the week .
18 The same workers are investigated at different times of the day .
19 To this a variety of solutions were given at different times .
20 It may look to some extent like the original , it may even retain traces of the original , but the many pieces that make the whole were added at different times and have been the subject of change and much repair work .
21 It was a phased development , with different parts being built at different times .
22 A variety of news items were selected at different times during the three years of the survey .
23 Similar accusations were made at different times against all the churches .
24 If the matches were played at different times , it would be the cause for the outbreak of WW 111 .
25 Both corn and animal feed were ground at different times .
26 Initial training was always provided on a one-to-one basis because workers were recruited at different times to perform tasks of varying types .
27 In this type of survey a sample of people is recruited to a panel and their attitudes are surveyed at different times .
28 Additional variation is likely to creep in when different children are tested at different times of the day and possibly in different locations .
29 In fact , attention has been paid at different times , and in different initiatives , to developing financial information appropriate to each of the above levels of analysis .
30 The relative esteem in which stones have been held at different times has rested on a number of factors .
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