Example sentences of "be [verb] at [art] beginning " in BNC.

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1 Ages are calculated at the beginning of the tax year .
2 Ages are calculated at the beginning of the tax year .
3 Examples of relevant statements are given at the beginning of Precedents 1 and 2 .
4 The effects of load torque and inertia are separated at the beginning of acceleration interval by allowing the motor to move several Steps with all phases unexcited ; a system with high load torque and low inertia decelerates but if the load torque is small and the inertia high the velocity remains substantially constant .
5 There seems to be no particular reason why the idea should not have cropped up earlier ( or indeed , later ) but , according to Bethe , its practical implementation could probably not have been much advanced because this depended on the development of high-speed computers and highly efficient fission triggers ; neither of these requirements could have been met at the beginning of 1950 .
6 ‘ 'You 're to go at the beginning of January , but I shall have to wait till all this house business is finished .
7 Bintje and Wilja are used at the beginning of the season but during the maincrop season Record is preferred .
8 This market has already been used at the beginning of the chapter to introduce the concept and purpose of ‘ the money market ’ .
9 There were no non-sick ( workhouse ) beds at the Bedford Institution ; they had been closed at the beginning of the war .
10 The muted notes which are found at the beginning of bar 7 should be produced by damping the strings at the seventh position ( approx ) and then picking them with a gentle up-stroke using your r/hand index finger .
11 Bonuses are determined by the Management Development and Remuneration Committee for the achievement of budgeted profit targets and personal objectives which are set at the beginning of the financial year .
12 All round his dingy housing-association flat in Stoke Newington , close to Amhurst Road , where he had been arrested at the beginning of the 1970s , were the signs of the new affluence .
13 There are other ways of marking it , but it would always be explained at the beginning of a textbook or dictionary which system is used .
14 Since this practice is not yet by any means universal , and the player may not have come across it before , a note of explanation should be given at the beginning of the part , otherwise the asterisk will cause the player to look for a footnote at the bottom of the page .
15 Some were cheered , however , by the news that thanks to lobbying by a group concerned with problems of underdevelopment , ‘ Schema 17 ’ , which treated of the Church and poverty , would be placed at the beginning of session three , to be introduced as soon as the debate on the Church had been completed .
16 The strength which seemed to be stressed at the beginning of the campaign was his niceness .
17 These can be secured at the beginning by placing the laddered stitch on its adjacent needle , with the empty needle in WP throughout OR these stitches may be allowed to ladder and then be picked up and ribbed with the latch tool to form a purl stitch on the right side of the work .
18 They will be meeting at the beginning of April .
19 So this survey might have to be done at the beginning of April .
20 This unifying issue can be presented at the beginning of the drama or at a later stage , after the children have taken on roles and started on small group work .
21 A written submission has to be lodged at the beginning of October with oral hearings by the Select Committee at a later date .
22 I apologize for the urgency on this , but to get it through to the Department of the Environment it has to be lodged at the beginning of February and then up to then by by March .
23 However , we all know what it is like to start something entirely new and to be told at the beginning that rows of holes have to be followed by two knit rows and then , when it all seems to be going well , to discover that there are two transferring rows one after the other , sounding like a contradiction in terms .
24 The release torque should be measured at the beginning of the test , and whenever a container is opened throughout the whole period of the test .
25 The workbook should be distributed at the beginning of the weekday , together with the aims and objectives for the shop .
26 We have had a lot of delay getting suitable material from John Ranford and Chris Roles regarding Will Aid but I gather that this is now to be ready by the end of the month and hopefully Euan will be starting at the beginning of July if we can plan accordingly .
27 Among the Kimberley tribes the snakes are called Unguds , the word ‘ Ungud ’ being applied primarily to a life principle or a ‘ vital force ’ , and the natives believe that the Wandjina and Ungud paintings must be restored at the beginning of the wet season to ensure that rain will fall and fertilization proceed .
28 Entries in this year 's competition , ( closing date October 26 ) are due to be judged at the beginning of November .
29 The origins of trade unions are to be found at the beginning of the nineteenth century and are a response to the rapid process of industrialisation and the change and dislocation which this caused .
30 In the Bordelais , eight castellan families were to be found at the beginning of the twelfth century , but their number had grown to twenty-four by 1294 .
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