Example sentences of "be [verb] for three days " in BNC.

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1 It has been raining for three days — Oh ! how lovely the caravans were those evenings in Touggourt , when the sun was sinking into the salt .
2 Barbara Allsopp and her husband Alan have n't been seen for three days .
3 We had been waiting for three days behind Serbian lines .
4 They 'd be secondhand shoes because they 've been worn for three days .
5 We should also note that there are at least two different factors which may lead us to feel that some notion deserves emphasis ; one of course is contrast with another property that might have been expressed ; the second is salience of the notion within the particular situation envisaged ; this would presumably be true for : ( 16 ) Geraldine told us a long story about bee-keepers With these points in mind , we should now compare ( 15 ) with ( 17 ) and ask ourselves how much emphasis of either kind is present in ( 17 ) , provided that it is not " read in " in order to support the hypothesis : ( 17 ) the ideas discussed will be put to our colonel topics suitable could include divorce and bankruptcy buildings adjacent will be closed for three days Since there is no doubt that these sentences might be used in situations where the property of the adjective would not be contrastive , the only candidate which may have any plausibility is the " salient on this occasion " variety , though there does not seem to be very strong reason to believe that in all cases where these sentences could be used the adjective property will be salient ; we return to this later .
6 After Easter the hours are extended as follows : Tickets reserved by phone will be held for three days or where applicable , until one hour before the performance .
7 do you want a cup of tea that 's been stewing for three days ?
8 Indeed these two characteristics are all that is needed in the case of the adjective ; the relative clause is in a sense a stalking horse , convenient in that it is more tangible than the relation around which it is built , but unnecessary , and awkward in that it brings with it , in English , the requirement that it must express a tense ; for while it is often possible to read a tense into an adjective there is no reason whatever to suppose that there is always some particular tense present to the mind of the speaker but suppressed , as can be seen from instances like ( 35 ) , where more than one tense could plausibly be grafted onto the sense expressed by the phrase underlined , or , just as well , some adverbial notion like " because " or " if " without any specific tense being implied : ( 35 ) motorists guilty will have to pay heavy fines Likewise , the buildings adjacent of example ( 17 ) simply take their tense from that of the clause as a whole ; if , for instance , we were to switch the tense of the verb in that example in order to shift the whole situation to past time : ( 36 ) the buildings adjacent were closed for three days it would be quite unnecessary to presume that an independent mental re-assignment of tense , from present to past , internal to the phrase buildings adjacent , has to take place as well .
9 It seemed a wise precaution to lunge him first , as he had not been ridden for three days , and this was accomplished in a corner of the field without either difficulties or a great deal of finesse .
10 Zeolite is used for three days , every two weeks .
11 If he had been working for three days and three nights then it was in the suit he was wearing now , and his shoes had mud on them , and Erlich did n't think Ruane would be impressed .
12 Police are growing increasingly worried about a mentally handicapped man who 's been missing for three days .
13 She was of course referring to the Salisbury Annual Pleasure Fair that has been held for three days commencing on the third Monday in October for the last seven hundred years .
14 Sheila alleged that she was dazed for three days following the attack , suffering a black eye and a cut on her forehead .
15 A small bag of zeolite was used for three days , every two weeks to keep ammonia in check .
16 Last year the company lost £30,000 worth of fish bound for the Spanish market when the consignment was blocked for three days outside Toulouse by French lorry drivers protesting about restrictions on the hours they could drive .
17 An eighteen-year-old boy who had flown from India to marry a Calcutta girl now living in Liverpool was detained for three days by the officials , who suspected him of being under age and of using marriage as a trick to get a work permit .
18 It was extended for three days after officials reported violence had dropped below the average 30 killings a day .
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