Example sentences of "be [verb] a [adj] eye " in BNC.

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1 Salford are in the bidding , Oldham are keeping a keen eye on him and St Helens are reportedly interested .
2 The regulatory bodies , including the Securities and Investments Board , the Investment Managers Regulatory Organisation and the Life Assurance and Unit Trust Regulatory Organisation are keeping a close eye on the investigation procedure .
3 The marketing people are keeping a close eye on the demographic changes .
4 Political pundits are keeping a close eye on the sticky survey .
5 Distressed by mindless vandalism that destroys trees and flowers they are keeping a watchful eye on plant life .
6 The Museum site includes a hard-standing and all the volunteers are keeping a covetous eye on a nearby T2-type hangar .
7 While , however , Admiral Hawke had been keeping a vigilant eye on Brest , Admiral Edward Boscawen had been busily patrolling off Toulon .
8 ‘ I 've been running three or four miles every day for a week , and using a trampoline at home to build up my fitness , and I 've been keeping a close eye on what I eat .
9 He had been keeping a wary eye on Jacques Devraux while he made another laborious copy of the revolutionary tract and he stopped writing to watch the Frenchman walk back to his own quarters .
10 Adam turned his attention to Miranda 's other tender places and casually added , ‘ Perhaps you 'd better give Annabel a call , to reassure her that you 're keeping a watchful eye on the accounts .
11 Councils have been turning a blind eye to shops opening on Sunday because of the uncertainty over what the Euro-judges would decide .
12 They are responsible for what goes on but quite clearly some have been turning a blind eye . ’
13 TEACHERS are turning a blind eye to pupils smoking at school , a report reveals today .
14 Thirdly , as the Government are turning a blind eye to many of the disregards being allowed for people on income support and in residential and nursing care , could that be codified and made safe for all forms of disregard ?
15 Environmentalists claim that the Russian authorities , desperate for foreign investment , are turning a blind eye to the logging companies ' many breaches of the country 's nature protection laws European 22-25 October
16 BRITISH officials and players will be keeping a close eye on developments when New Zealand arrive for their 13-match tour of Wales and Ireland tomorrow after hearing that Wayne Shelford , the All Blacks captain , is charging £500 for each personal appearance during the visit .
17 And he 's sure to be keeping a fatherly eye on the Chinese as they tuck into their flish ‘ n ’ crips !
18 ‘ So far I 've seen eagles and many other birds of prey and I 'm keeping a close eye out for wild boar . ’
19 Significantly , farmers — generally reliable Tory supporters — are blaming the Government for the sins of Brussels and appear to be turning a blind eye to the Liberal Democrats ' pro-European stance .
20 The Football Association warned last night they were keeping a close eye on the sinning Saints after collecting five bookings and one dismissal in the opening two games of the season .
21 Their attempts to impose conditions on a man like Henry VIII only show how far , in the initial stages , they were turning a blind eye to the implications of their policy .
22 Reports persisted throughout May that the security forces were turning a blind eye to the activities of Zulu mobs in the townships , allegedly waiting to respond until local citizens retaliated against the Zulus ' attacks .
23 TOP tax expert Leslie Ferrar of KPMG reckons the Tax man is keeping a sharp eye on Christmas parties .
24 ‘ Council 's turned a blind eye to it previously but I 'm in charge now and I 'm booking you under the Fireworks and Public Entertainments byelaw . ’
25 I get the feeling he 's turned a blind eye too often .
26 Have the Government finally abandoned the erstwhile Tory doctrine that the rule of law must be upheld in all circumstances , now that the Attorney-General is turning a blind eye to big supermarkets breaking the Sunday trading law and as the poll tax non-payment campaign has apparently recruited the architect 's daughter ?
27 Now that sort of policy does have its problems because some people would say that is allowing people to break the law , it 's turning a blind eye to people who are breaking the law .
28 Many are conscious that the industry is casting a critical eye at their holdings and they see training as one way to establish their credibility .
29 Sid was keeping a close eye on Mr Didier ; not that he thought anyone would try to poison him , but you never knew , when the likes of Peckham were around .
30 Now it was ready for another meal and was keeping a hopeful eye on the battlefield in case some appetizing Englishman or sepoy should fall conveniently near … but most of all it would like to eat Fleury , such was the power of its love for this handsome , green-clad young man ; it uttered a groan of ecstasy at the thought and a needle of saliva , dripping from its jaws , sparkled in the Collector 's telescope .
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