Example sentences of "be [prep] [art] hands [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The local parish council has often been in the hands of a group leading the area into decline .
2 British air travel before the war had largely been in the hands of two companies , British Airways for European services and Imperial Airways for services further afield .
3 Whereas nuclear weaponry had effectively only been in the hands of the U.S.A. , the development of such weapons by other nations had been increasing , so at a meeting , in December 1962 , at Nassau , Prime minister Harold Macmillan and President Kennedy , hammered out an agreement whereby Britain abandoned its plans for ‘ Skybolt ’ in return for the U.S.A. ‘ Polaris ’ missile for use by British nuclear submarines .
4 It had earlier been in the hands of the Beard family for around a century .
5 For some time financial control had been in the hands of a receiver after the Leeds City company was wound up .
6 The training of the vernacular clergy had been in the hands of Arthur Dilworth , the first time that a missionary had been completely set aside for this important task .
7 The troubled 1986 ICL start-up housing the Distributed Array Processing , DAP , technology — built on the single instruction multiple data technique of massively parallel processing — has been in the hands of the receiver , Price Waterhouse , since June 16 .
8 The company , which has been in the hands of receivers since February , faces the prospect of its production lines halting after a judge refused to rule that a crucial supplier , to whom it owes large sums of money , was legally obliged to continue providing vital components .
9 The unique collection , assembled over the past twenty-five years by Lavalin 's ex-chief Bernard Lamarre and corporate curator Leo Rosshandler , has been in the hands of an international consortium of eight creditor banks since Lavalin 's failure last year .
10 It has been in the hands of the Maitland family for more than 400 years since its creation by John Maitland , Chancellor of Scotland , and later enlargement by the Duke of Lauderdale .
11 The famous Plitvice Lakes — a national reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site — have been in the hands of terrorists for more than a year .
12 But one of these , the Manas ( ‘ by far the most important wildlife reserve in the Indian subcontinent ’ — IUCN Pig and Peccaries Specialist Group ) , has for several years been in the hands of armed rebels .
13 When Piri Pasa put the idea to Selim , however , the latter refused , taking the view that it would be wrong to interfere in the affairs of the two cities , which enjoyed a special standing in the Islamic world and the governing of which had always been in the hands of descendents of the Prophet .
14 There is a parallel with the BCR here : Which preserved narrow gauge railway was opened in 1876 , declared bankrupt in 1877 , abandoned in 1912 and has been in the hands of private operators since 1915 ?
15 Secondly , the royal corpse was mangled ; it had been in the hands of embalmers and above ground for four years .
16 The Garlands , and their shop with the rooms over , were out of period , relics of a time when the business and management of the town had been in the hands of a few prosperous traders .
17 Previously , the decision was to have been in the hands of the state nuclear agency , the CEA .
18 He set up an organisation there to try to help those who 'd been in the hands of the Moonies .
19 There is the theory of art , and there is aesthetics ; there is writing about artefacts which may or may not be categorised as art , but are in the hands of the archaeologist or the anthropologist ; and there is art appreciation .
20 Although the sport and television market appears to be a free-for-all to delight the most Darwinist of entrepreneurs , a scrutiny of those top five private networks soon reveals that four of them are in the hands of a holding firm called Finvest , which is itself the broadcasting vehicle of the Socialist-leaning businessman Silvio Berlusconi .
21 Apocalyptic expectations , envisaging the end of the world as we know it , have strangely survived abandonment of the belief that all our lives are in the hands of Providence .
22 Some of the most significant work of industrial archaeology has been done here since 1959 , and the industrial buildings and relics of the district are in the hands of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum ( q.v . ) .
23 The fact that the appointments to such councils are in the hands of the Secretary of State advised by civil servants , makes one question those bodies ' ability to be very independent .
24 She started off as a journalist , and when reading her on the nauseating cult of Elizabeth David , you know you are in the hands of a mistress of rhetoric .
25 Spiritual achievements can not be measured — these are in the hands of God .
26 Everything was seized … they are in the hands of the KGB . ’
27 A second argument is that the system of property rights in which ownership and control are in the hands of shareholders violates the Christian concept of trusteeship and is contrary to the Biblical ideal of community .
28 Some are in the hands of collectors or co-operatives of enthusiasts who see them as relics to cherish and maintain as part of our heritage , but these are in the minority .
29 They have much more to say on less apocalyptic matters , such as the treatment of persons who are in the hands of the adversary .
30 Appointments are in the hands of the St Stephen Sisters of Mercy Mission which operates in the South Seas . ’
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