Example sentences of "be [prep] [art] sense [art] " in BNC.

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1 Does the Secretary of State recognise that the access funds are in no sense a substitute for student eligibility for social security and for vacation hardship allowance and that mature students in particular have been plunged into severe hardship by the Government 's policies ?
2 Unlike the civilian quality control inspectors of the Department of Technical Control ( OTK ) , whose salary arrangements link them effectively to their enterprises , the voyenpredi are in every sense the agents and servants of their respective services .
3 And that general report would be in a sense a summate report or a form tutor report or a er , pupil management report , whatever title
4 Any culture , because it has to retain traditional customs and beliefs , has to be in a sense a conservative institution .
5 And he felt that it would be in a sense a miracle to produce a detailed adaptation to a particular way of life , a kind of adaptation to being fertilized by bees that you see in an orchid , by a single a large jump .
6 If competence and complexity are increasing correlatively , tomorrow 's user will be in a sense no better off than his present day counterpart .
7 The plaintiff may have made the most material changes in his position , and have induced the object of his affections to do the same , and have incurred pecuniary liabilities resulting in embarrassments , which would be in every sense a loss , if the income which had been promised should be withheld ; and if the promise was made in order to induce the parties to marry , the promise so made would be , in legal effect , a request to marry .
8 Shaikhs collected money from members of their lineages to support those who had no other support , or who had heavy expenses of certain kinds ( educational or medical , but not business expenses ) which they could not meet ; but these were in no sense an attempt to redistribute resources .
9 For the keys — often made of thick grey iron , sometimes with decorated handles — were in a sense a promise of return , a promise that history inevitably broke .
10 The riots were in a sense a foretaste of the Gordon Riots of the summer of 1780 .
11 This was a consequence of the blurring of the two affinities in the early 1460s when Warwick was a loyal servant of the crown and when his men were in a sense the king 's men at one remove , a relationship formalized in some cases by entry into the royal household .
12 Stalnaker , 1975 ) Or , to interpret the idea in a way less ontologically extravagant , a way which does not seem to commit us to a plurality of somehow existing worlds , what the conditional means is this : if our actual world were different in that it were raining , and differences overall were in a sense the smallest possible , the balcony would be wet .
13 This was a consequence of the blurring of the two affinities in the early 1460s when Warwick was a loyal servant of the crown and when his men were in a sense the king 's men at one remove , a relationship formalized in some cases by entry into the royal household .
14 All chemical reactions were in a sense an expression of this principle ; and if it seemed in some case that the weights of the reactants and the products were unequal , then the chemist must have missed something .
15 It is in no sense a rival body to the National Institute for the Deaf but works in active co-operation with it and has direct representation there on .
16 It is in no sense a history of the development of the scheme .
17 The point of [ 14b ] was not simply to provide a paraphrase : it is in no sense a literal representation ( interpretation ) of the utterance in [ 14a ] .
18 ‘ This process is in no sense a divorce between the Labour Party and the trade union movement .
19 Among Crime and Punishment 's major characters only Porfiry the detective is in no sense an arriver .
20 The transition from water to land required not only the perfection of a walking limb , but modifications to the hearing system , palate , eyes and so on , and Ichthyostega had already established most of these terrestrial modifications , so it is in no sense an ‘ ancestor ’ , although it has many ancestral features .
21 Embarrassing as those moments were for me , I would not wish to imply that I in any way blame Mr Farraday , who is in no sense an unkind person ; he was , I am sure , merely enjoying the sort of bantering which in the United States , no doubt , is a sign of a good , friendly understanding between employer and employee , indulged in as a kind of affectionate sport .
22 God is in no sense an idealised self-image to be possessed and manipulated .
23 The fact that each of these parts has such a clearly identifiable root is in no sense an attempt to belittle the originality of Marx 's contribution .
24 This is in no sense an attempt to deny the importance of church tradition or the use of human reason .
25 Moreover , in Strange ( SW ) Ltd v Mann [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 629 Stamp J said that an employee 's skill and knowledge " is in no sense the employer 's property and it is contrary to public policy to restrain its use in any degree " .
26 It should not persuade us that this writer has yielded or sold out , any more than it should persuade us that the boy poet Klima is in every sense the boy poet Jaromil .
27 The landscape traversed by the Turners is in a sense a literary one ( hence indicators like Poe Cove ) , but Barth is also careful to specify their seamanship with realistic accuracy .
28 Schubert 's unfinished C major Sonata is in a sense a piano score of an orchestral work , but then of course , as with the ‘ Wanderer ’ Fantasy in the same key , the point is to turn the piano into an orchestra , with the help of longer pedals and a wider dynamic range .
29 It is in a sense a perversion , by which instead of attending to situations in order to respond to them intelligently , one treats awareness itself as an end .
30 The Holy Trinity is in a sense a communitarian concept , for God dwells in perfect communal relationship .
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