Example sentences of "be [verb] itself [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His rousing address finished with the exciting claim that ‘ IBM has been transforming itself into a solutions company ’ .
2 It was also , in his view , unpardonable on grounds of principle , since by the autumn of 1940 Vichy seemed to be aligning itself with the foreign policy of the Nazi regime and aspects of its political ideology .
3 Business Objects SA , a French software house that markets an object-oriented data access tool for end-users which bypasses SQL , will be launching itself onto the UK market next Wednesday .
4 Molesworth claimed that the House would not be committing itself to the larger scheme , nevertheless it was not in a mood for what George Bankes called an ‘ extensive scheme to enable Cabinet Ministers to entertain foreign visitors and their friends ’ .
5 The impact of that on Leeds residents perception of the migration opportunities is quite different quite different from a new settlement on a very accessible corridor which would have to be promoted and would have to be built quickly to be to present itself as a successful venture .
6 ‘ If , ’ he says , ‘ the city council grants full planning permission for The Galleries in the next few weeks , it will not simply be shooting itself in the foot but blowing off its entire leg . ’
7 If the bird were dashing itself against the bars , feathers flying , then the similarities to human suffering would arouse impulses to assist , even to release it , like the giraffe .
8 This may seem an unorthodox way of assuring management succession but then MB Group has been rearranging itself into a new structure for the future .
9 The company has been familiarising itself with the technology with its own experimental highly parallel scalar machine called the AP1000 , and it clearly does not trust the literature — it says that it was this machine that taught Fujitsu scientists that ‘ parallel supercomputing requires a radically different approach to programming ’ .
10 Meanwhile , Belfast is bracing itself for a vicious war between rival republican terror groups over drugs .
11 ENGLISH football is bracing itself for an invasion of South African soccer talent .
12 This implies that the vendor is representing itself as an insurer whereas the real claim is the full value of the damages suffered by the breach of contract ; ( d ) ensuring the purchaser acknowledges it has not relied on any representation other than those incorporated in the sale agreement and that it shall not have any right to rescind the sale agreement .
13 I note that , yet again , the Liberal party is aligning itself with the Labour party on social and taxation matters .
14 Milpitas , California-based , LSI Logic Corp is catapulting itself into the X terminal market introducing the RISC-based Racer X Board , which allows OEMs to build monochrome or colour X-terminals based on the MIPS Computer Systems Inc R3000 RISC .
15 UTV and Channel 4 now have their own separate sales arrangements in Dublin , and UTV is pushing itself as an all-Ireland TV medium .
16 Computervision Corp so wants to put its sad ownership by Prime Computer Inc behind it that it is remaking itself in the pure computer-aided design software image of the company Prime acquired as quickly as it can .
17 China 's Gansu Institute for Natural Energy , the only institute permitted by Chinese authorities to design solar energy equipment , is establishing itself as a training centre for solar energy technicians from African countries .
18 In 1983 gas , coal and nuclear power accounted for 16% , 9% and 1% respectively of energy demand and it is gas which is establishing itself as the most significant oil alternative .
19 With more emphasis on household products , does this mean that Marks and Spencer is turning itself into a supermarket ?
20 In bringing the case , the Turkish government is presenting itself as a great ally of archaeologists .
21 The truth is that the party leadership , in contradiction to its own declarations , is ridding itself of the democratic wing of the party and is preparing for social revenge and for a party and state coup . "
22 Now it is selling itself as the natural arena for developing companies in the new Länder .
23 Clarify , however , is positioning itself against the others as the most ‘ haute couture ’ of the breed , the kind of house that could easily mushroom into a $100m enterprise in just a few years .
24 The UK 's Ampersand Systems Ltd , Bristol , is re-launching itself as the Open Systems Centre , and as has picked up IBM 's RS/6000 to market .
25 A landmark environment policy document was issued by the Labour Party in September , which claims it is committing itself to a green government .
26 Stylistically , Samson is distancing itself from the very audience it should inspire , but by doing so Milton is helping to avoid potential censorship and a silencing altogether .
27 After being on the receiving end of the challenge which brought Marsh 's late dismissal , he allowed Piatnitski to complete a night which showed the strides the home side must make if it is to re-establish itself as a European force .
28 I have a problem with my marine fish — in particular with a Regal Tang which is scratching itself against the tufa rock .
29 British Gas since privatization , and I think rightly so , and understandably , has had a defence policy against this government , and that defence policy is to turn itself into a multi-national energy supplier .
30 As the present government , despite its ‘ hands off , free market ’ attitudes , is involving itself in the workings of the pub trade , then it must shoulder the responsibility for the present state of affairs and insist that arbitration on rents must be genuinely independent and not loaded in favour of the brewers .
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