Example sentences of "be [verb] [art] bad [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. Friend agree that farmers are caught in a pincer movement between the National Rivers Authority , which threatens prosecution of farmers who use more fertiliser on their land to increase productivity , and the banks , which are increasing their interest rates on loans to farmers , because they are considered a bad risk ?
2 Does the Secretary of State accept that urgent action is needed in the west midlands if we are to halt the worst fall in manufacturing investment in history ?
3 Now if you know that somebody is a drug addict and they 've just had an injection you keep away from them , erm if they 're having a bad trip , whatever they call it , because you do n't , they become very violent , they can do a lot of damage , now the only time you will step in and help is when they go unconscious , but at the same time remember protect yourself , we 're talking about needles here and probably shared needles , you must be terribly careful that you do not get pricked by a needle , especially if , they have a habit of sticking needles under lapels , so always be aware of this , if a person is a drug addict , in fact if you can find some easier way of turning them into the recovery position , do so , erm , you can then obviously either call the ambulance .
4 You start to think , well of course , had I done so-and-so yesterday , had I done , and I 've missed on so- and-so , so you sort of , review the day for a couple of hours , and then it gets to about four o'clock and now you 're thinking , Oh my God , I 'm at the accountants the next day , I 'll be so tired , I 'll be you know , and it 's too late to do anything about it now , so now you 're having a bad day the next day as well because you 've got yourself all stewed up about that .
5 So do n't lie , if you 're having a bad month , or you 're having a bad week or you have n't had any sales , put it in the computer , because that 's going to be identified , it comes up on here , so that your manager can help you .
6 So do n't lie , if you 're having a bad month , or you 're having a bad week or you have n't had any sales , put it in the computer , because that 's going to be identified , it comes up on here , so that your manager can help you .
7 you 're having a bad time , use them .
8 It 's a funny thing though , because mother 's and daughter 's , and er , I love , when my mum comes up she 's a dreadful sleeper and if you 're having a bad time , you get up in the middle of the night to go and make a cup of tea , there 's always a little voice says , yes , let's have a cup of tea dear .
9 Well I think I 've been rather more fortunate , the two branch managers I 've had er , before , I 'd not had long enough , er , both have given albeit not regular , but feedback both positive and negative , er , when you 're doing a good job and when you 're doing a bad job , and er , in all honesty , it 's probably the appraisal itself , that 's actually been unnecessary because of their feedback they 're given me during the year , because the appraisal is just a formal repetition of what 's already been said .
10 ‘ Oh livid , You 're setting a bad example to the troops , apparently . ’
11 He had been married to my mother for fifteen years and had been called a bad husband , whereas she had been what is known as a good wife .
12 The Financial Times of April 2 also quoted a DPK spokesman as alleging that " we are facing a worse genocide than Halabja " , a reference to the use in 1988 of poison gas by the Iraqi army in the town of Halabja which killed an estimated 5,000-6,000 people [ see pp. 36168-69 ] .
13 Graduates are facing the worst prospects for employment since 1932 according to a report from the Institute for Employment Statistics issued last month .
14 They are getting the worst deal of any group of British workers involved in a mass redundancy .
15 Not everyone has been having a bad recession , and not everyone believes they must prune radically their investment and marketing budget .
16 All the better that the operation rehabilitated the credibility of the police who 'd been having a bad press in the early years of the decade .
17 Clearly he 'd been having a bad time of it .
18 ‘ Quite frankly , we are having a bad year , ’ Mr Murdoch said .
19 But what should parents do if they believe their children 's friends are having a bad influence on them ?
20 I mean as usual with financial journalism , er i it 's somewhere in between , I mean endowments are having a bad run at the moment and that 's because they 've paid out such excellent bonuses in the past so if you 've had a maturity in the last four or five years , you 'll have seen how good they are .
21 The form card shows that both sides are struggling Port Vale are having a bad run .
22 ‘ Forest are having a bad time — they 've lost six matches without winning . ’
23 ‘ I feel almost guilty that so many good things are happening to us , when such a lot of people are having a bad time , ’ Sarah said .
24 The struggling , the fear , the knowledge that they are committing the worst violation a woman can experience .
25 Knowing that the fox might be given a bad time afterwards would n't be a lot of consolation .
26 We wait to be given the bad news .
27 ‘ I can accept not being in the team but I can not accept that , because of the circumstances , I 'm becoming a worse footballer every week .
28 That is to say , the initiatives that are under way , far from alleviating concerns repeatedly expressed over the years , appear to be confirming the worst suspicions of teachers and other commentators .
29 When one gets right down to it , I doubt very much whether you 're fit to be called a bad lot . ’
30 The residents are being given a bad time .
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