Example sentences of "the trees at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Using a sponge to mix the colours on a stay-wet palette , I then paint in the trees at the back of the stream .
2 I should think if you went across Crumwallis 's lawn and through the trees at the back you 'd come to it .
3 Take them I mean along the main road , he had taken the the the trees at the back of them and they had no shelter and they were down in the main road .
4 He could n't see him by the house or in the trees at the bottom of the big lawn .
5 Philip crept through the trees at the edge of the ride .
6 ‘ That 's the easiest way of getting your firewood — cut the trees at the edge of the forest and send them rolling down to the bottom .
7 Robert could just make out a thin line of boys struggling through the trees at the edge of the horizon .
8 In one of the big rooms at the front of the house , Meg stood beside one of the huge , open shutters , staring out through the trees at the river .
9 We walked here through the gardens and the woods , past the hill where Andy and I lay in the sunlight all those summers ago , into the little glen , then up through the bushes and the dead auburn wreckage of the ferns , to the trees at the summit of the small hill .
10 At each de-veiling of sleeting showers more snow whitened the tops and yet there were still leaves on the trees at the roadside .
11 The creature grunted , and with one swipe of a claw gouged a wound in the flank of Twoflower 's horse , which screamed and bolted into the trees at the roadside .
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