Example sentences of "the right [to-vb] [coord] the " in BNC.

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1 The right to die and the right to help someone to die are surely matters which are best left to discretion and commonsense .
2 Here we are concerned in particular with the right to silence and the right of access to a solicitor .
3 your says three consecutive Governments , Conservative Governments in Britain have striven to give power to the people , the right to choose and the right to own .
4 This Government has decimated the housing stock of this country and the Tories in this Chamber dare to talk about the right to choose and the power to buy .
5 At present there are considerable disparities between the way in which the right to vote and the right to stand as a candidate are treated in various member states .
6 Underlying these decisions is a tension between two principles operating within this area , the right to notice and the absence of any general duty to give reasons .
7 As well as the two planned referendums on the right to travel and the right to obtain information on abortion services overseas [ see pp. 38942 ; 39065 ] , the government decided that there would be an additional vote on the " substantive " issue of whether abortion should be legal .
8 Freedom of the press has a long history , but it is only since 1980 that the right to communicate and the freedom that it entails has been seen as the very centre of human rights , and indeed as a precondition for a meaningful implementation of other human rights .
9 Participants will look at the major trends in communication today , with special emphasis on the issue of the right to communicate and the relationship between evangelisation and culture .
10 The various African charters on human rights drawn up in recent years have all failed to capture the importance of the right to communicate and the right of free expression , according to a group of leading communicators who met in Cairo , Egypt , 16–17 October .
11 The various African charters on human rights drawn up in recent years have all failed to capture the importance of the right to communicate and the right of free expression , according to a group of leading communicators who met in Cairo , Egypt , 16–17 October .
12 Two essential freedoms — the right to communicate and the right to reputation — must in some way be reconciled by law .
13 For the homeless the right to buy and the provisions of the 1988 Act are an irrelevance .
14 It will be seen that under the European Convention an adequate balance is sought between the right to protest and the right to govern .
15 Civil rights were to include the freedom to join labour unions , the right to strike and the right to expect equal opportunity in employment irrespective of gender , race or creed .
16 There were bitter struggles in the courts on the right to strike and the power of trade unions , which led to the creation of the Labour Party , with fearful signs of a new and radical anger among the working class through and beyond the strike-bound year of 1911 when even schoolchildren came out on strike in some districts , ‘ for shorter hours and no stick ’ .
17 A social charter approved by the round table on March 5 , and by the Volkskammer at its session on March 6-7 , provided for a range of rights much more comprehensive than those guaranteed in West Germany , including the right to work , the right to strike and the banning of lockouts by management .
18 Pay , the right of association , the right to strike or the right to impose lockouts were not covered by the social agreement .
19 However , the chapter specifically rejects the imposition of legal , financial or bureaucratic constraints which might hamper small businesses and states that it ‘ shall not apply to pay , the right of association , the right to strike or the right to impose lock-outs ’ .
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